front bumper fillers

not a v8

Nov 29, 2006
my front fillers are shot. looking on ebay,there is a bunch of different ones for sale. oem,fiberglass,abs. anyone have any recommendations for a brand or vendor? i have heard some aftermarket ones fit pretty bad.
The best is OEM from your GM dealer. I just paid $240 for a new pair last month. My opinion here. Brad
Mine are as well front and rear (rear is just faded but brittle) I'm looking to get the fiberglass ones from G-Body, around $239.00 for the fronts and the rears. I heard some horror stories about ABS and figure fiberglass should hold up better than the stockers.
OEM is the only way to go.

I put an OEM LF filler on my car, and aftermarket rears. The rears are absolute garbage. The OEM front filler fit perfectly and looks fantastic.

The aftermarket rears look worse than stuff my 8yr old daughter makes with scissors and cardboard.
my car came with aftermarket rear fillers so i do not know what type/brand they are. they look ok to me. there are 3 or 4 different types on ebay but none of the pictures look the same. oem would be great,but as always,theres that cash thing:(