for the tcc lockup experts


New Member
Oct 4, 2001
Hey everyone, let me first mention that this is for an 87 ss montecarlo,
Ok, I've had an ongoing problem with the tcc-lockup in my car basically since i've owned it. Back when I 1st got the car, it was acting like a failing tcc, not unlocking when it should. After a few days it just stopped working completly. A couple years later I hit a curb going around a corner and for whatever reason the lockup started working again but still like a failing tcc not unlocking when it should. After a couple full throttle take-offs a few days later again the tcc stopped working completly. Just recently now that I am restoring the car, I decided to have the tcc solenoid in the transmission changed and has been working perfectly for about 4 weeks now. Sure enough 2 days ago it stopped working after an eclipse tried to race me. The tps sensor in the carb is fine, the connector on the side of the transmission is clean. I'm not sure what to check next, possible problems I did notice are the connector on the transmission (which was designed with only 2 prongs) not sure if thats normal or not, and the top button switch on the brake pedal. sorry for the long post, but I wanted to fully describe the problem, any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks
I should also note, right before the lockup stopped working, I was pulling out of an intersection and I stepped on the gas and the car was revving high but not really moving as fast as it should..almost like i was driving on ice. Also when I first start driving home after work during cold days, it feels like it slips alot when I'm making a corner. Does it sound like my torque converter maybe going?
From your second post I'd guess your low on fluid. That would cause the symptoms you describe plus no lock up. Check that and make sure it's properly filled.

Next, I'd try manually locking the converter. Get up to at least 45 mph and connect the upper left & upper right terminals in the ALDL connector under the dash using a wire or toggle switch. This grounds the TCC circuit and should force the TCC on barring any other problems.

Let us know what happens.
well I did some more checks today..fluid was fine, tried jumping pin A to F on the aldl and still did not lock even once full warmed up. I checked the 4 prong connector for voltage today, I checked all 3 wires, none of which had voltage with the key on. My next question is, would a worn brake switch cause the tcc to not go into lockup even with the pin jumped on the aldl connector?
Also another thing I noticed, the tcc solenoid only has 2 connectors while the plug has 3 wires, is this normal?
well I think I've found the problem. I took out the 2 switches on the pedal (had to take the bottom out to get the top) and I tested it for continuity and got nothing. Opened it up and the 2 electrodes were black..looks like it must have been arc'ing or that normal wear and tear? I cleaned the contacts and bent them just a little bit closer together and the switch seems to be working. When I get the switches back in I'll let ya know if it worked.
well good news, the cleaned switch worked perfectly.
nothin beats fixin it myself too
thanks for the reply