First Mustang Kill!!


New Member
Oct 20, 2002
I killed my first 5.0 today. Coming up to a red light, I see a bright red 5.0 so I pull up next to him, look over, he revs, I nod, look around for cops, none, so I powerbrake it just a little bit, no boost just a little bit of revs, light turns green, STOMP it! Launch semi-hard, enough to get ahead of him, about half way through the intersection the tires decide to spin :) so I keep it to the floor, keep pulling on him have about 2 car lengths on him and around 80 I let off.

He rolled down his window and said I killed him on the launch, but he said he was starting to pull on me a little bit on the top end. Overall I was happy with my first mustang kill, partly because I won, but mainly because he was my brother:D

Thats what he gets for beating up on me all those years:p

Hey airforceone, How does your 62 spool with the stock stall? I was just wondering cause I just bought a 44 and can't get it to spool to save my life and I'm running the stock stall as well.