First Mods?

Canuck GN

New Member
Aug 27, 2004
So this is my first post on here.
I was wondering wheres a good place to start modifing an 87 GN.
What should I do first?
Id go with:
Hot wired fuel pump
good 93 street chip
160 thermostat
intake of some sort
adjustable FPR
oil, water, volt, boost, knock guages

and im sure theres other little stuff ive forgotten, but those are the mods that will wake up the stock setup a bit, and keep the car safe. After all thats done, you can do injectors, turbo, intercooler, downpipe, and the list goes on and on.......
Go here, to start:Recipes
Upgrade fuel system FIRST, so you don't have an expensive lean-out. Then the air filter (I guess that's what 87gnippa is calling "intake") get the exhaust in good shape, etc.
I would have to say a scanmaster first. You can't tell what the car really needs first without seeing the numbers it is running now. It could turn out that it needs vac lines first. Fuel system is a very good thing to do but first the car should be tuned correctly with what it has.
I agree with the scan tool first.

before you do ANYTHING, go here
and read everything.....EVERYTHING.

you must do your homework. You are only a couple of bucks away from having a 12 sec. car there buddy.
Kirban has the scanmaster II for 280 i think and you can always find them int he used part section on this board. or you can just get a regular scan tool that reads and plugs into GM cars. Thats what i did until i got my SM and it only cost me about 02 bucks on ebay. they are well worth the money whichever route you decide to go
if you've got a lappy to use and some soldering skills try googling for "winALDL" the cable's about $10 worth of Radio Shack parts and a free download. =)
Re: Lappy?

Originally posted by Ormand
Hey, Drac0nic, I thought that was something you got at a topless bar!??? But it's been a while, maybe things have changed....


I was looking at the Turbo link, any opinions on it?
I'd buy a scanmaster first. If you've got experience with scantools than get the turbolink. I didnt have any experience with tuning a car when I used the turbolink...I was lost, bought a SM and figured ot out. You could always sell the SM and upgrade.
I used Turbolink without getting any other scan tool and have been very happy with it. Nice that you can do test runs and record the data and go back and look at it. Easy to see any codes and good to adjust all the idle settings too. Since you can't really look at the laptop while driving, I'd recommend that you get a knock gauge so you can keep an eye on knock all the time.

I'd agree with all the stuff 87gninpa posted. Everything on his list would pretty much be a must except the exhaust, that can wait until the other stuff is done since its the most expensive. A gutted cat or test pipe in place of the cat will help in the meantime.

After all that you'll need to find a source to find (or make) higher octane and you'll need some sticky rear tires. ;)
Thanks for all the info guys.
The Turbolink is just a stright scan tool corect?

Boost and knock gauges will be the first thing I do.
Highest Octane I can get around my parts is Sunoco Ultra 94. Unless I go to places that sell higher stuff but that normally comes in drums. :eek:

Any write ups on DIY mods? (hot wiring the fuel pump and making an adjustable wastegate).