Firestone tire blowout

Originally posted by SuperSix
Gotta love this URL:

Thanks for the link. The lawyer explains what happens way better that any car magazine ever has:

When the tread comes off of a vehicle at high speed, the driver sometimes hears a loud thumping noise before the vehicle goes out of control. The loss of control can be due to a combination of factors, including friction or braking action as the loose tread piece strikes against or catches on the undercarriage of the vehicle. When a rear tire is involved, this results in a braking action in the direction of the tire failure. When the driver attempts to correct for this braking action the vehicle goes out of control in the opposite direction. This is often mistakenly referred to as overcorrection. In truth, it is the normal appropriate reaction to the braking phenomenon experienced by the driver. This sequence of events occurs so rapidly that it is virtually impossible to handle most high speed tread separation failures and resulting loss of control of the vehicle. This was demonstrated by tests of Ford Explorers with Firestone tires in which an experienced test driver, who knew the tread was going to separate, lost control and the vehicle rolled over.

Car magazines used to independent voices (except for Motor trend who have always been bought and paid for), now they seem to be in the pocket of the auto and tire manufacturers.

We're all "Car People" here. Most of us believe the people rolling those explorers "must be idiots". The reality is, most of us would come pretty close to wrecking the vehicle in the same situation.
We had a tire blow out on the 2002 Olds Bravada this past week
Gray caddy/olds in poconos told us bring the tire to michelin let them see if it was defective or not - they found nothing
brought it back to gray they supposedly had to send the tire to arizona?? to michelin for them to determine if its defective - meanwhile I have to drive around with the spare - the dealer wont get me another tire until they determine whats wrong with the other tire
Originally posted by UNGN
The lawyer explains what happens way better that any car magazine ever has:

You disappoint me. The lawyers also explained why O.J. was not guilty.
Originally posted by The Blob
You disappoint me. The lawyers also explained why O.J. was not guilty.

Its a pretty sad commentary when the "experts" at car and driver can't explain the dynamics of an auto accident, but a lawyer can.

Their "test" appeared to have been designed by Firestone or Ford.

During the summer of 2001, an explorer/mountaineer was rolling over almost once every other day in Texas and about 1 a week in the DFW metroplex. Everyone was the same: The explorer sitting on its roof in the median with tire still fulling inflated with the tread missing pointing skyward.

It's isn't as bad this year, but I was 1/2 hour late for work this summer when a mountaineer flipped on a curve and was spread over three lanes of southbound traffic.

I personally know people who have been killed in an explorer flip caused by rear tire tread separations. I'm not Pro Litigation, I'm pro truth. If car magazines would speak the truth rather than cover @sses with phony tests, we wouldn't have lawyers winning huge lawsuits from shoddy workmanship. Nothing sways a jury faster that the appearance somebody is covering something up.