Extender chip problem or something else?


Senior Member
Aug 8, 2002
For whatever reason, my Extender chip will not hold the value that I program into cell 12. I use value 6 for lean cruise and open loop idle. I'll come back and start my car a few hours later, and the value will be back down to 0. This seems to be a fairly recent phenomenon, so I'm wondering if this is more likely to be a chip problem or something else possibly causing the ecm to lose power and reset. Any thoughts?

I'll assume you're using DS to monitor cell activity? I've had instances where DS reset the ECM at key on. Check the be sure the plug isnt pushed all the way on. Otherwise, try accessing those cells with an ALDL based scan tool for verification of enabled features.

Actually, I dont know that its necessary. If you set XYZ code, that feature IS enabled. But Bob would have to comment to be sure.
The only way I have to monitor the chip is with a Scanmaster with the key on. The thing is, I never really realize when it happens. I'll be driving on the freeway, notice O2's all over the place instead of around 50 with lean cruise, when I stop I look and cell 12 is back to 0. I think I'll set the chip and key it on and off 10 or so times in a row and see if that resets it.
