E55 AMG smoked by the ol' GN


New Member
Aug 30, 2008
...Okay so I didn't really smoke him, in fact, I was shocked that he was keeping up.

I was going down the interstate and saw those funky blue headlight about a mile back and I always slow down a bit to see if I will get a chance to smoke some expensive car and I am usually disappointed to see that it's just some Altima or something but not today. I pestered this young black guy in a supercharged mercedes benz e55 amg (469hp 512tq) till he finally figured out I wanted to race or realized I wasn't going to leave him alone unless he raced. When we got out of traffic I had about a car length on him and floored it and much to my surprise he was gaining on me! I dug into my ashtray as fast as I could and opened my electric cutout which let me pull away from him but very slowly, not like I usually do. Anyway this race went on for about a half mile or more until I got to my exit at which point I realized the brakes on these cars get hot and useless when you are trying to slow from those speeds. I wanted to wave when he went by but I had both hands on the wheel trying to find a soft spot to land that thing if I couldn't get stopped before I found the cars at the end of the ramp.
Watch out man we don't want a kill to be literal. I had a similar instance once in my car and needless to say I about pooped my pants.:eek: Stay safe and good kill.
TR's don't need wings to fly, guess thats why they have (or had) a governor that restricted the top speed to 124 mph. About 130+ mine starts to get unstable.
Good kill! :biggrin:

I killed one of those last summer.. but not in the Buick, so I never posted it..

But since we're on the subject, here goes..

Some maniac flew out of nowhere around a corner, (tires sqealing and all)storming after me right after I got my WS6 back together. Got alongside me, looked at me, laughed and stomped on it and took off. Knowing full well I shouldn't really be beating my car yet, plus the fact it needed a better tune than what it had, I just couldn't let this choch get away with that one. So after thinking about it for a few seconds, while letting him get 3 cars on me, I dropped it into "D" (yes, it's an auto) and chased after him. After gaining on him and ultimitaley putting him in his place, I get in front of him, he switches lanes as well and we get a light together. I ask him if that was really an E55 with 469hp. He said "yes". I ask him what year it was and he said it's an '04. I can't remember how all of the small talk went down, but once the light turned green, he stomps on it, I try to ease into it, but the lack of traction (mostly due to my old, bald Sumitumo tires I had at the time) gets the best of me. After a few seconds, it finally starts to grip, I begin to reel him in and eventually put a car on him until we both shut down. He kinda waves me off and I go on my way. I see him about a week later with a buddy of his driving the opposite way in another nearby town, and he shot me a dirty look..
