door glass adjustments


Apr 15, 2015
Can anyone tell me what adjustment in the door will tilt the top of three glass in more towards the ws .getting tired of the constant fart noise coming from my new weather strip .I believe if I could tilt it in a little it would engage the lip of the ws. Thank you for your reply
pull the upper door panel
if your outer weatherstrips are shot replace them, this might be all you need to do
if that still doesnt get you what you want ..
at the top there are four 10mm bolts holding a pin bracket and the center vertical glass guide
loosen the four bolts
raise glass and at top of door move the verticle guide outward will cause the glass to tip in at the top of travel , the pin locater bracket will also move to properly locate in the nylon on the glass
tighten the bolts
So there are 2 bolts holding the pin and 2 bolts holding the guide ?the bolts for the guide are upside down from the ones on the pin correct ?
sorry , yes the two bolts for the center guide are accessible through an opening in the door steel and are facing upward
and by outward i mean push the guide channel in ..toward the outside of car