Data Acquisition

I'm sure somebody is, but most use directscan and turbolink. Directscan gives me more than enough tuning info.
I have T-link and like it. I am wondering if individual EGT reading would be worth the expence for the information gained. In other words, those that have move to the next level of information gathering, how much has it helped you develope your tuning. What systems do you use?

Data logger

We use the new DATAMITE 2 logger.
It has 27 channels and will record for about 17 minutes, Not cheap tho.....:eek:
Depending on how much you need to capture,I'd look for some unit that has less capability for a permanent install. We use this as a portable and can move from car to car.
Refresh rates are VERY high and as such, can find alot of problems that ALDL based records miss.
Depends what you are looking for...
We currently have the unit on a GN.
We have:
Driveshaft rpm
Engine and converter rpm [to compare reported rpm on the FAST vs the recorder.]
Converter out pressure. t-400. looking for possible pressure spikes that can cause thrust brg failures.
Fuel pressure. Found problems on last run!
Boost. this is also on the FAST system, but we wanted a comparo and also needed the boost on the same screen w/ the rpm data and fuel press.

The system also has a built in acelerometer to measure g forces.
You can see if the car loses force after the launch and this can indicate tire spin.] You can also add wheel speed pickups, EGT [8], yadda, yadda..