Cruise control module needed


Active Member
May 1, 2009
I am looking for a cruise module for a 87 GN. I do not need a bad because I already have one that's bad. I am going on the power tour in a week and would love to have cruise control. My right foot prefers to rest with the pedal smashed and my last ticket was for 39mph over. The wife will kill me if I don't get this module. So please make me a good deal or tell me what other cars use this same module. The local j/y's don't have a large selection.
The module above the gas pedal, and the actuator under the hood are the same from any 84 to 87 G body Regal and Olds.
Nope that part is the servo. It is the black box above the gas pedal. the module only has wires and no vacuum line the servo has both and is under the hood. I know you can get a servo off of a lot of gm cars but I am not sure about the module.

Are you sure about the module loyd? I have been looking online and can't get a definitive answer.
Have one .....

May be used twice? If needed, I have the same foot problem!:eek: $45.00shpd.
When I converted the blue Regal from 307 Olds powered, to turbo charged Buick V6, the same Cruise Control Servo was unbolted from the bracket on the Olds engine and bolted to the bracket that mounts on the inner fender. The hoses and harness were even the same length, and fit perfectly.

The Cruise Control Module above the gas petal was untouched in the transistion.