Convertable regals?

nice, that would be fun for a weekly night cruise!!, did the produce those or custom?
Those are custom. I think that GN convertable clone is the same one I seen years ago in an old issue of B-O-P magazine. GM farmed out the work to P.A.S. I believe in Florida. They converted regular hard top Regals to convertables. But man, would I love to own that vert. Looks much nicer with the top down though......;)

one here in town. Was thinking about doing a turbo t clone for something different but figured it would cost too much by the time I was done. Car looked decent last I saw it up close. Who knows now though, been over 3 years. It just sits in a driveway. It's black too:)
ok, my buddy wants to know if that a real GNX converted to a convertible?