Color Question!!!!

Rice Killa

Got Rice???
Sep 9, 2006
How bad if any would changing the color on a gn affect the value? How many have changed the color on theirs?
Buy a T-type to do that.

GN's are like old Model T's... Made in any color you like, as long as it's BLACK. :D
thats kinda how i was thinking.... just noticed a few that were painted other colors and it made me wonder a lil
The black-only paintjob is what makes the GN stand out... and is also why they are so quickly recognized on the street.

A GN that isn't black... is... well... just another T-type. :D

My first Turbo Buick was an 86 T-type in gray... I sold it because I got tired of the grampa-car comments... and questions like... "Is that a Monte Carlo ?" or "Is that as fast as a Grand National ?"

I NEVER get questions like that when I'm actually DRIVING a Grand National. :cool:
But not all T types look like Gramp's car....

I would imagine an actual GN with a paint color besides black would depreciate it's value somewhat.