Code 22 on '87 T-Type...


Mar 23, 2009
I recently replaced some throttle gaskets/seals and that required the removal of the TPS. Putting the TPS back was not an exact science but I got as close as I could where it originally was. The idle was high and an adjustment brought it down to what it was before. Now, I have a code 22 flashing but the idle is good with no missing. What tool do I need to properly adjust the TPS and remove the code from memory? Who has it?


Use a digital voltmeter and the procedure outlined in gnttype. A setting af around .44 at idle and anything over 3.75 at WOT is recommended.
Well, I should learn to dig before I post up and waste bandwidth...:D I measured before at idle and had .027 volts. Way low... I read and printed out the instructions on and found how easy it is. Adjusted to .043 volts at idle and 4.27 volts at WOT. Runs way better at idle and when the throttle is bumped, the response is much better.

