Classy Freddy Blassie has passed!


The Buick Manual CD Guy
Jun 26, 2001
Just heard it a few minutes ago. Apparently he passed about an hour ago. Sad to see such an innovator go. :(

We'll miss ya, ya pencil necked geek!!
wow a true wrestling fan here. he was just on WWE raw a few weeks ago when they released his book.
Any one remember his famous saying?Pencil Neck Geek :D LOL He actually had a song Pencil Neck Geek,it used to be on Dr. Demento a lot.
That sucks. :( How old was he? While we're on the topic of classic 80's managers, do you all realize that Captain Lou Albano is well into his 70's? :eek:
I did hear Elizabeth is dead. I did not hear what happened though. I saw it on a commercial for WWE confidential.
yeah they are dropping like flies now. Too bad about ms elizabeth, what a hottie. Pencil neck geek is still on of my favorite sayings.
With the Elizabeth death, Lex Luger is a prime subject. Saw on tv that Elizabeth had enough steroids and pain pills in her to kill a horse:eek:
Elisabeth is really dead? :( I used to LOVE her back when I was 14. :( Does anyone have the news link?
Not sure about Capt Lou's age? My brother had him come up to his sports card store from his house in conn to Boston for an autograph signing session.
400 people showed up to see him. They were lined up down the block.

I remember going to the BOSTON GARDEN for my birthday to see BRUNO SAMMARTINO vs THE SHEIK in a cage match on a saturday afternoon in the 60's :)
Wow, Elizabeth was so hot. I can't believe she is dead. I bet that is a tough lifestyle with a lot of drug activity and stuff. Overdose's don't surprise me at all. My question is, wasn't she married to Macho Man, why was she in Lex Luger's house?
While we're on the subject, does anyone have a list of big name wrestlers that have died over the years (lets say 80's to present)?

The Grand Wizard - 1985 or so - old age I guess
Adrian Adonis - 1988 or so - car crash
Andre the Giant - January 27, 1993 - heart attack
Big John Studd - ???
Dino Bravo - 1994 or so - shot to death in Canada
The Ultimate Warrior - ???
Junkyard Dog - 1999 or so - car crash
Ravishing Rick Rude - April, 1999 - heart attack, possibly from steroids
Owen Hart - 2000 or so - fell doing a stunt
Elisabeth - May, 2003 - presumed overdose
Classy Freddy Blassy - June 2, 2003 - old age?
I just read that The British Bulldog died recently too. Ultimate Warrior is still alive but Big John Studd is dead. He died of bladder cancer.

And, he is not dead but Brett Hart had a stroke in 2000 and still can't use one side of his body.
Mrs. Elizabeth was married to Savage in the 90s. Prior to her death her and Lex Luger were dating and living together somewhere in Atlanta. If anyone wants to see Lex's mugshot/shots check out then look under mugshots. Also, i don't know if any of you remember but The Junkyard Dog and Yokozuna died not too long ago
Correction to above. Rick Rude died in April 1999. Not sure how, but they found him dead in his Atlanta home.
Originally posted by jtgn
Mrs. Elizabeth was married to Savage in the 90s. Prior to her death her and Lex Luger were dating and living together somewhere in Atlanta. If anyone wants to see Lex's mugshot/shots check out then look under mugshots. Also, i don't know if any of you remember but The Junkyard Dog and Yokozuna died not too long ago

Oh yeah, I can't believe I left out JYD (I still have the article somewhere). He died aroound 1999 in a car crash. I'll edit the list, thanks.