Classic FAST changes

I've lost track of the original problem here. However, the serial number being 0 shouldn't impact things. I programmed a serial number in it before I shipped it to Joe but as I recall there was a problem some time afterwards that caused the ECU to lose its serial number. I had to make a special option file just to reset it to zero!

My old(er) XP laptop died, and option files for the classic fast can't be built on a Win 7 machine, otherwise I would offer to assist however I could. :(

Don't worry about it Craig. You are always there to help me when you can. If Cal can get the ECU to work like he thinks..That will be a plus for me. Otherwise I will keep doing what I have been since I have had the Unit.

I sent you an option file to the email in your profile. Please let me know if you get it.

You will not believe this....................""" It Works"""
For no reason I decided to go on my C-Comp, open a file, and "Save All Tabs" is lit.
So I could not see this is right. So I shut off the Program, re-opened it and again...........................I CAN MAKE CHANGES without being on line in the freakin CAR...

So now what do you expect me to do for you SIR!!!:biggrin:

Haha!! I just saw this thread. Your situation was a puzzle for me and I'm glad to see you are fixed.