Check out this guys up-pipe

Are you serious?:confused: Maybe its my eyes, but it looked kinda like some flexible duct hose?
I might be mistaken, but wouldn't that sh*t just blow apart under 15psi of stock boost, not to mention 18 or 20?
Just buy the right friggin' up-pipe for it.
looks like he wraped the up-pipe with insulation. Pretty good idea even though it doesn't look good.

All that info and he doesn't say what type of turbo is on the car?
Im guessing its stock.

That's exactly what it is.I've used it myself[more neatly wrapped though].
Go to the plumbing department at your local hardware store.
You should find it there.
He's just trying to keep radiator heat off the upo pipe.
Works pretty well as I remember,easy to remove too.
Close.It's just thick aluminum tape with sticky foam backing.
Just unroll it,peel off the backing,and wrap whatever like a hockey stick.Be careful if you try it,it tears easily.