Cheapest place to get a TA49 turbo?


New Member
Aug 7, 2006
I am planning to upgrade to a TA49 turbo. I have been shopping and am surprised at how expensive they seem to be. I assumed they were "old tech" so they would be reasonable.

I'd appreciate any input on where to purchase. The TE44 at Gbodyparts looks to still be on sale at about $600 plus actuator. I prefer the TA49 since I'm using the tiny stock tq converter.
I'm not sure how much of a hurry you are in but you might want to put a post in the parts wanted section. Also watch the parts for sale. That is if your okay with a used or rebuilt turbo. Good luck in your search.
There's always ebay, that's where I bought mine several years ago. Got mine for about 1/2 price of a new one and was in great condition.

You can set up a search alert on ebay that will send you a email when someone posts something for sale with the keywords you specify. "TA-49" for example. That way you don't have to keep looking there every few days.

I would try posting in the parts wanted section here first and keep checking the parts for sale section.
There's always ebay, that's where I bought mine several years ago. Got mine for about 1/2 price of a new one and was in great condition.

You can set up a search alert on ebay that will send you a email when someone posts something for sale with the keywords you specify. "TA-49" for example. That way you don't have to keep looking there every few days.

I would try posting in the parts wanted section here first and keep checking the parts for sale section.
Aren't they like $595 @ Not going to buy a new one any cheaper than that. The 44 is right on par with a 49. Stock TQ is more than adequate.

I ook one off my car and replaced it with a Precision 6152e. It has about 5k miles on it but it had developed an oil leak and will need new seals but there is no bearing/movement. I'm out of the country right now but I'll be stateside in 2 weeks. I'll sell it for $150+ shipping if you are interested.
The TE44 is $600 at gbodyparts, but I want a TA49 so I can keep it looking stock and use the heat shield.

WILLIAMBAVILA - it doesnt look like fullthrottlespeed even sells TA49 turbos...
The stock heat shield will work with the TE-44 and most wont know the inlet isnt stock any way .
The TE44 is $600 at gbodyparts, but I want a TA49 so I can keep it looking stock and use the heat shield.

WILLIAMBAVILA - it doesnt look like fullthrottlespeed even sells TA49 turbos...

I don't understand this sentiment and frankly, I never did. I don't know how many people I happen to mention that my GN is a V-6 at shows, who are surprised, who have no clue even after they're staring at my engine compartment, let alone even knowing what a turbo is. Who are you going to fool, and who gives a ****? :biggrin:
Honestly, I just wanted the heat shield to bolt in place. I really don't care that much about looking stock. I thought that the heat shield wouldn't fit on the TE44? If it bolts in place the decision is made.
Sounds like an assimilation of various erroneous tidbits of information got this thread going in 1st place...

As already stated above,,,
1) your TC wouldn't know the difference,
2) neither would your heat shield,
3) nor would your wallet...

Stock-type inlet bell on TA-49 is main difference...
I can attest that a TE44 fits under a stock heat shield, works fine with a stock converter, and no body except knowledgeable Buick, specifically TR people, even know the difference. Although, with stock converter, I can only seem to muster 5lbs of boost at the line no matter how hard I try. Time for a new converter and mid 11's.
Yeah, the TE44 fits under a stock shield, I had one on my car before the TA49. The TE44 has a larger exhaust housing than the TA49 with a .68 housing which is what I have now, but still fits under a stock shield. No downside to the TE44 except for the slow spooling with the stock converter, but when it gets spooled up you better hang on. With my current setup and stock converter, I prefer the lower rpm spooling of the TA49. The TA49 has a bolt on inlet bell that kind of looks stock, and the TE44 inlet is cast into the compressor housing and is not removable, as least with my experience. I agree, most people except turbo Buick people can barely identify what a turbo looks like in general, or how one even works. It's just magic!!:D
Honestly, I just wanted the heat shield to bolt in place. I really don't care that much about looking stock. I thought that the heat shield wouldn't fit on the TE44? If it bolts in place the decision is made.

Hey, sorry! I misunderstood your motives. In any event, this $595 sale is a great deal. :smile:
I think you can get different exhaust housing with a TE44 so that it spools the same as any TA49. RJC recommended a TE44 with a .48 exhaust housing for a mostly street driven/sometimes raced TR like mine. I bought the Gbody TE44 for $595 though and the .63 was the only option. It spools well though, but I can see that if you had the .83 exhaust housing on a 44 that it wouldn't spin well at all with a stock converter compared to your 49 with the .68 that you stated you have now. Now I just need to lick that compressor surge with heads and a cam and get the turbo map back in line with the engine so that it doesn't need to be plain matted all the time over 10lbs. It sure is fun this way though having to full throttle it all the time to pass and such.
A TE44 and a TA49 are exactly the same turbo except for the compressor cover. A .48 housing will kill it I have never even seen one for those turbos. I would never recommend anything smaller than a stock garrett housing but the PTE housing works just fine.
Now I just need to lick that compressor surge with heads and a cam and get the turbo map back in line with the engine so that it doesn't need to be plain matted all the time over 10lbs. It sure is fun this way though having to full throttle it all the time to pass and such.

Tornado KI-75.... yes the, amazing Tornado.. :biggrin: ....Sure cure for the te-44 surge blues.... do a search... :wink:
My surging got worse when I went to the LT1 MAF. My theory is that because the LT1 MAF flows more, it put the turbo map further outside the range of the engines ability to "eat" air at part throttle. This begs the question, does the tornado cure surge simply because the intake system flows less and thus puts the turbo output map closer to what it should be for the current motor configuration? My theory is that if the engine flows better, ie: heads, cam, higher stall, etc, then the surge would go away. I may need to start another thread for this, but has anyone tested WOT hp at a dyno with tornado in vs out on the same day all else equal? If the tornado simply cures my surge because it restricts flow and puts the turbo map back in line with the motor, then the logical step for me would be to make my engine take the extra flow of the turbo's output and make more power. I can get rid of the surge by putting my stock turbo back on too, but that isn't going to make the car any faster at the strip or on the street. Any opinions/science would be great. I'll research and start another thread if needed though. Thanks guys (and gals).
Lots of conjecture on that question... including what you mention. My feeling is that the tornado alters the airflow characteristics (percentage laminar vs. turbulent) of the incoming air enough to move the map into a better window, and NOT due to inlet restriction. If you think about it, at part throttle, you won't have any appreciable difference in mass airflow between say a stock maf/pipe and an lt1 maf/3" pipe, because the restriction is the throttle blade, not the inlet plumbing. I believe the general consensus is that the tornado does not COMPLETELY eliminate the surge, but rather dramatically reduces it to the point of being almost negligible and nearly unnoticeable. Probably need another thread, as you mention, to beat on this horse some more.... :tongue:
Just try it!--rather than to negatively poo-poo it...I dare say reduction/ elimination of surge is worth MUCH MORE that a theorized minute restriction in ultimate HP...Sometimes it's better to not over-think an empirically proven solution available...