CCW Law-Firearm Saves Woman From Robbery

Except you'll never see that on the front page of the news!

We can't have "positive" things being said about guns!!!! :)


yea its not the guns that shoot it the person holding it that shoots

I definatly support legal gun carrying ;)
Another reason to own a firearm, to hell with the gun "NAZI's".

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.:rolleyes:


those laws are passed to placate voters and give them a false sense of security. weapons are a nessescary evil these days. im in the military and have worked with weapons for 14 years...i love em. if you are a responsible you should be able to own a personal defense weapon, if you violate any laws with that same weapon then you are subject to judicial action, thats what laws are for. you screw up and you pay the piper. unfortunately, responsible people are punished before any laws are broken. i have an ak-47 that i use to practice at the range with and i have never used it illegaly. on the other hand, some jack a$$ picks up a smuggled ak-47 on the street from a thug and uses it in a crime and is not caught, laws are passed against this weapon and i have to give mine up while the scumbag goes on doin his business.:mad: what lawmakers have to do is make tougher punishments for those who use weapons illegaly and make those punishments stick.
Hey Blackbird - you are half right. Laws need to be ENFORCED, just as you say. There are already plenty of very tough laws on the books.
I just had this debate yesterday with my co-worker. He is a good guy and I like him, but we certainly differ on this point.
I really wonder if Sara Brady and Handgun Control Incorporated think that if another law is passed criminals will suddenly think - Oh no! A new law; I can't commit any more crimes with my illegally purchased weapon.
The main reason I vote the way I do is my (wonder-land) belief that one day my state will allow law abiding citizens to obtain a CCW. Realistically, I know it will never happen; but hope springs eternal.
Let us all pray that the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights in particular will always exist as the Founding Fathers intended.
Sorry Blackbird, I just re-read your post. You wrote tougher punishments. I mis-read/ mis-understood you the first time around. My fault... FREEDOM!!!!
I'll bet you boys this same scenario happens dozens of times a week, or day, but we never hear about it. The media is not interested in crime prevention, only crime. Glad to read this, but it must have been a slow news day. If good, honest people all carried weapons, there would be very little crime! Stricter gun laws only affect the honest folks, not the criminal.