Casper Knock guage issues with FAST


Mar 1, 2006
I recently got my FAST system linked up to my laptop. Previously I Used a scanmaster and a casper knock guage to monitor the undesireables in the motor. Typically on a downshift or hard run, I would get a reading on the scanmaster of about 1.5 to 2.5 deg. of retard and the knock guage would go to about the first or second orange light (about halfway). So I assumed the guage and the scanmaster where doing their job. Now that I have the FAST system, I'm not getting any ESC retard on the laptop dashboard even when the guage is going all the way to the last red light. Yesterday, when I took the car out for a test spin I noticed the guage was acting funny... going all the way to red and staying on the last red light even when I stoped at a stop sign. It would also cycle back and forth like it does when I first start the engine, and then stay lit on the second or third orange. My question is... Has anyone had one of these guages go bad. Should I trust the FAST system? Everything else with it is working great. I don't want to blow anything up. :confused: