Car and Driver Editorial...


Supporting Vendor
Feb 4, 2005
Anyone here subscribe to Car and Driver magazine?

There is an editorial by Csaba Csere this month where he discusses how alcohol injection on a small displacement engine with high boost turbo is the proper way to achieve power and economy. Something about how under high boost, the alcohol increases octane, supresses knock and cools the mixture.

He thinks its an innovative way to make small, efficient engines produce big power...thus improving overall fuel economy of the US vehicle fleet.

Wow, so glad he thought of it! ;)
I have an engineering paper somewhere describing exactly that. I'll see if I can dig up a reference for it for anyone who would like to look. I have a recollection that it was substantially mathematical modelling rather than real world tests though.
I read it and already emailed them about "us"..Specifically Julio and even a note about the "power injection" spot on our dashes...:cool:
there are a couple of threads on this topic that were posted back in the winter. I have not read that article but there was a group of egineers from MIT that were working on this.