Can anti-theft be added?


Bad luck Buick
Jun 16, 2014
I'm an idiot and forgot to mention I wanted anti-theft options when I ordered my new extender pro chip. Does anyone know if these can be added after the fact or does the chip have to be reburned?
It'll have to be reburned

Sent from my QMV7A tablet via Tapatalk.
If u leave the car any were for any length of time
U can use my special anti theft option !
Tape razor blades under each door handle
( car stays and now u have there DNA all over the side of your car)
Its a win . Win.
Trust me it works like a charm :)
It can be added. Just contact the vendor you purchased it from. I'm sure it won't be a problem.

If u leave the car any were for any length of time
U can use my special anti theft option !
Tape razor blades under each door handle
( car stays and now u have there DNA all over the side of your car)
Its a win . Win.
Trust me it works like a charm :)

Hahaha good idea! Though most of the time I can see it from my desk at home. At that point my security system is Mr. Remington .45.

It can be added. Just contact the vendor you purchased it from. I'm sure it won't be a problem.


I got it from Full THrottle. Ill give them a call!