Calling Mr. X-ray

Mar 11, 2008
Hello GNX owners. My name is Stefon and I am looking for the owner of the white GNX called X-RAY. I saw the car a few years ago at a car show with my grandfather and then I saw the car on the forum in this section last night. Now, I know I'm only 17 and I'm looking for a Grand National, but I wanted to know if the owner of X-RAY would shed some light on the white GNX (performance mostly) and I also wanted to know what the differences were between the GNX and GN engines.
P.S. Love the custom air ram system in place of the high beams.
I tried to find the link for you on the differances....but the site seems to be down....check Turbo Regal Web Site you can find it for XRAY search the forum there is a thread about the car.....
Thanks alot clonegnx and jcawely3 for the sites. One of them was down though. Also, if anyone knows the owner of the GNX X-RAY, please tell him that I am looking around for him.