Calendars are now available for sale!


May 24, 2001
Well, I can finally start accepting money for the 2004 Turbo Buick calendar. 12 full color months of our favorite little v6 that could.

I even had room to include some of my favorite submissions from the past 4 years of calendars! I wish i had room for all my favorites, but I snuck a few in.

Pricing this year is as follows - up to the first 5 calendars are $20 each. Each additional calendar is $18 over 5.....

You will also be able to purchase calendars through Mark Hueffman (

Details and paypal checkouts are here:

I just threw up a simple page as I am super swamped today. PLEASE NOTE:
From Friday at 6am until Sunday 5pm CST I will be in Minnesota for my Grandmothers' burial. Any orders received over the weekend will be promptly shipped out on Monday. After Monday, I usually fulfill orders as they come in, almost always shipping that day or the next at the latest! Remember, I make them as the orders come in myself, so there is no lag time with a distributor or print house that I have to wait for. I have stocked up on $1500 in toner and paper for this run, so I should be good to go!

Thanks for all your support.

I prefer paypal, although I have fees involved, it is the easiest for me to track and ship from. If you wish to use a money order, please feel free to email me.
i just ordered 1...had an error come up on the first try but i think i only sent one payment i hope!
I tried ordering one but kept coming up invalid...idk i'll try again...I just want to clairfy that I only want one...
Well, its 5:30am. I checked email one last time before we leave. I am starting to load the Suburban up for its trip. Take care all!
God bless your family in this time and be safe.. I sent payment for 2 of them..

Just ordered one

Can't wait to put that thing up in my office:D

Sorry to hear about your loss and my prayers are with you.

First off, I hope you are doing o'kay w/ your Grandmother passing away and all. I know it happened a couple of weeks ago but those feelings can pop up on you sometimes.

On a lighter note, I just ordered two of them and plus, I get one for FREE!! Woo-Hoo!!

thanks everybody..... I just got back and have to go to the office to check on my printing I started before I left. Looks like we have about 20 sold so far, I should have no problem getting those out tomorrow.

Thanks everybody!
Hmmm, not really. Dont have a Buick anymore. Someday maybe.

I would be willing to trade some calendars for an SMC alky kit, though! :D