CA TEST ONLY-- Again!!


Sure it leaks oil--so?
Aug 25, 2002
I have to ask-- who decided to tag the VIN 7 cars as being "Test Only"on an annual basis?? I recently received my tag renewal notice and there it is again!

Will address tomorrow. PM or email a phone number and I'll call you tomorrow. Lengthy explanation.
Here is the official answer:


I will add this:
More than likely, you'll fall into the HEP category (high emitter profile). As the population of our cars decrease, a higher percentage fails. Thereby, placing our cars into that category. You have to remember that most 80-87 GM vehicles were carbureted with computer controls. Once a computer fails, it puts the vehicle category into major failure mode. Additionally, those types of vehicles are not maintained very well and consistently fail emissions. That is not to say that you don't maintain your vehicle on a regular basis (but think of what the 80's GM vehicles represent today, most owned by low income individuals who use the vehicle as transportation and maintenance is not high on the priority list). Based on that description, count on always being test-only. Unfortunate, but I have been required to see test only for the last 3 biennial cycles. Sorry for the glum news. You can still email a phone number and I'll talk to you, if you have additional questions
Does this mean that virtually all of the turbo buicks will be done on an annual basis. That really sucks.
No, not annually, but every two years. One saving grace is that if your car does fail, you'll be eligible to participate in the CAP program (CA only), in which the state will pick up the tab up to $500 for emissions related (not tampered) repairs.

Thanks for the detailed explanation! My car passed T.O. okay the last time out so I guess I'll have to rub my lucky rabbit's foot again...