Bush to give "clear vision" of Iraq,Mon.

The only Chance of "Crushing" will be if the electronic voting guy "Diebold" gets his way to rig the voting booths. all of a sudden you guys are on the defensive, but I don't think the GOP will be able to weather the barrage of this sh!t storm :D
Hey UNGN your a redneck, you guys always butcher the english language, but ABUGAHARIABE??????????? A three year old could pronounce it correctly simply by the fact by your own accounts, it 's been on the news ad nauseum:rolleyes:
Originally posted by suprbuick7
What are your thoughts about REP sen Chuck Hagel???????????????

Interesting read by George Will


Nothing in the Will Article mentions Chuck Hagel. :confused:

Chuck Hagel is a personal friend of my dad's. He was his neighbor before he went to Washington and they still talk.

The 2000 Primaries made Chuck a little goofy. He was one of the few people that thinks "McCain, right or wrong" and when McCain came off a little too unstable for the primary voters, I think Chuck blames Bush and Bush's people for this, rather than admitting to himself McCain doesn't have the tempermant to be president at this point in his life. People hold grudges, it's human nature. Senators blame other politians for negative opinions about them. It's human senator nature.

Chuck is a great guy and I'm sure so is McCain, but do not get between them and a TV camera. You will get crushed in the stampede. Also, they are politicians and the world is all just politics to them. They are above the laws they write for us little people.

Hillary Clinton can say in one breathe Bush is threat to life on earth, then vote with him on almost every bill in congress. They say and do what they think will get them elected next time. In Hillary Clinton's case, she sides with Bush to garner male voters, for Hagel, he spouts democrat rhetoric because he thinks he's immune to republican critisism. Maybe he is.

Or maybe Karl Rove will make it so we form a negative opinion about him and he loses in the primary to a Bush supporter :rolleyes:
Originally posted by suprbuick7
I'm sorry the Hagel article is here. He seems to be pretty disappointed in this administrationHe appears to be an intelligent individual.


Chuck is a smart politician. He plays both sides of a lot of issues so he can be the guy that says "I told you so" when things go bad. That isn't to be confused with LEADERSHIP, however.

He didn't support Bush in the Primaries, so his disappointment in the administraton predates the 2000 election.

Kind of funny where even Hagel says he will support Bush in November, however. Says something about Kerry's abilities as a leader (Hagel knows one when he sees one).
UNGN, please, Hagel wouldn't publicly endorse a dem cadidate ( not saying he is) that would be political suicide. I don't know enough of him, but he appears to be sensible. I thought the quote about Bush not taking questions from his own party powwow was very telling