BPG Event cage/roll bar NHRA rules STRICTLY enforced!

it is their dues that that make this event possible...

and i was under the impression that attendance to these events is what keeps them being possible:confused: all it takes is dues being paid for the BPG to keep having an event every year??
Dues are what provide the seed money to put on the event each year. There are tents to rent, deposits for the track, t-shirts to order and a thousand other "little" things to consider. So yes, without club dues, there would be no event.

Why don't you guys, instead of sitting behind a keyboard, come out and help put on the event? You can never have too many volunteers in this game, believe me. You up for a seat on the board? Come on in, the waters fine. Throw your hat in the ring and make the changes you are talking about. You can have my seat, right now, no questions asked.

You know when we started planning for 2009? Before the 2008 event was even over, before we had even cut the check to NTR for 2008. Duane Heckman flew in from Philadelphia in January to help arrange the Thursday night meet & greet, the hotels, visit with the Convention & Visitors bureau, meet with Jim Layton at the track, etc. Spent 2 days in Columbus, ON HIS OWN DIME, to make sure everything was in place so our guests would have a good time.

There is one thing I, as a "show" guy, just don't understand. If you want to go 9 seconds in a quarter mile, why in the world would you NOT want every piece of safety equipment available? That is seriously fast and when (not if) something happens you will be oh so happy to have made the decision to have the proper safety equipment installed. Also, since we're on the subject, if you have a rare car, as all of the TR's are if you think about it, why wouldn't you take a common Regal and make it go fast and not "butcher up" your rare car? All the parts will fit, right? Also, when you made the decision to go fast, you all knew the rules, right? Just because they were not being enforced everywhere, they were the rules. You knew that going in. You should have realized that at some point in time, those rules may start being enforced and enforced to the letter and that the rules can and will change at anytime. In our litigious society the smart people are no longer going to take a chance letting something slide. You see it everyday on the TV where some lawyer wants to represent you in your lawsuit. The vultures are circling, lower and lower each day.

With that said, Renee' will be getting the answers for you all concerning diapers and 8.50's and such. As soon as she does, those answers will be posted.
Dues are what provide the seed money to put on the event each year. There are tents to rent, deposits for the track, t-shirts to order and a thousand other "little" things to consider. So yes, without club dues, there would be no event.

Why don't you guys, instead of sitting behind a keyboard, come out and help put on the event? You can never have too many volunteers in this game, believe me. You up for a seat on the board? Come on in, the waters fine. Throw your hat in the ring and make the changes you are talking about. You can have my seat, right now, no questions asked.

You know when we started planning for 2009? Before the 2008 event was even over, before we had even cut the check to NTR for 2008. Duane Heckman flew in from Philadelphia in January to help arrange the Thursday night meet & greet, the hotels, visit with the Convention & Visitors bureau, meet with Jim Layton at the track, etc. Spent 2 days in Columbus, ON HIS OWN DIME, to make sure everything was in place so our guests would have a good time.

There is one thing I, as a "show" guy, just don't understand. If you want to go 9 seconds in a quarter mile, why in the world would you NOT want every piece of safety equipment available? That is seriously fast and when (not if) something happens you will be oh so happy to have made the decision to have the proper safety equipment installed. Also, since we're on the subject, if you have a rare car, as all of the TR's are if you think about it, why wouldn't you take a common Regal and make it go fast and not "butcher up" your rare car? All the parts will fit, right? Also, when you made the decision to go fast, you all knew the rules, right? Just because they were not being enforced everywhere, they were the rules. You knew that going in. You should have realized that at some point in time, those rules may start being enforced and enforced to the letter and that the rules can and will change at anytime. In our litigious society the smart people are no longer going to take a chance letting something slide. You see it everyday on the TV where some lawyer wants to represent you in your lawsuit. The vultures are circling, lower and lower each day.

With that said, Renee' will be getting the answers for you all concerning diapers and 8.50's and such. As soon as she does, those answers will be posted.
My car my rules. Don't turn this into a pissing match, we won't be bringing our cars. Keyboard:rolleyes:
My car my rules. Don't turn this into a pissing match, we won't be bringing our cars. Keyboard:rolleyes:

Looks to me that your the one making this a pissing match. They are telling you that NHRA rules will be in effect at the NHRA track. If you cant pass the safety requirements outlined in the rule book then please keep yours at home!!! I cant see the arguement here!! You have a race car - or you have a street car. I will be bringing my race car to race and leave my street cars at home. Mike:cool:
My car my rules. Don't turn this into a pissing match, we won't be bringing our cars. Keyboard:rolleyes:

Fair enough, Mike. I DO respect you and your decision. It is, after all, your car and you are the sole decision maker with regards as to the path you take with it. The point is to have fun with our cars.

Oh, my "keyboard" comment was not directed at you or anybody in particular, just a general statement. I will let your comment back to me slide as I'm sure you did not understand my meaning. I'm sorry I was not more clear.
Me and my buddy were planning on bringing our cars but his GS will runs 10s and I run 11.50s and just put a bigger turbo on and it better runs 10s.
I dont want to race if I cant push my new set up and I dont want to put a cage in my car.Should still come and watch.I think that BPG should consider moving the event to norwalk and have a mid summer or fall buick event;) That would not compete with the michigan clubs may program.BPG is a great event and I would like to see it continue to stay that way.Good luck!
Looks to me that your the one making this a pissing match. They are telling you that NHRA rules will be in effect at the NHRA track. If you cant pass the safety requirements outlined in the rule book then please keep yours at home!!! I cant see the arguement here!! You have a race car - or you have a street car. I will be bringing my race car to race and leave my street cars at home. Mike:cool:
I have a street car/race car that goes where and when I want to run it............... Their is no argument here!
Safety Equipment

You people don't care enough about yourself and your family to not protect yourself. You chose to jeopardize other other people by not following the NHRA rules. I think that the 2 yr. dates are a little much but the only time it bothers me is when I got to get them. After they are in I'm glad it's done. On the street the equipment is a very good benefit fot you. Lets face it these cars are out of control.
I just don't understand why there is so much bickering over this roll bar/cage issue. The host track states that NHRA rules must be followed. If NTR wants to enforce the NHRA rules so be it. If you don't like it; either slow down, be a spectator or don't come. Don't come on here and start b!tching about a certain club enforcing the rules.

With the way society is today, if the track lets you race w/o a bar/cage and you wreck, cause great bodily harm to yourself, bet your a$$ you are going to sue the track. Why.....because they let you race w/o proper equipment. So to protect themselves (track), they strictly enforce the rules.

If you want to race your car without a bar/cage then come down to BG. But then again we have some against the GSCA and won't come:rolleyes: Instead they'll bash some other organization.

Billy T.
I just don't understand why there is so much bickering over this roll bar/cage issue. The host track states that NHRA rules must be followed. If NTR wants to enforce the NHRA rules so be it. If you don't like it; either slow down, be a spectator or don't come. Don't come on here and start b!tching about a certain club enforcing the rules.

With the way society is today, if the track lets you race w/o a bar/cage and you wreck, cause great bodily harm to yourself, bet your a$$ you are going to sue the track. Why.....because they let you race w/o proper equipment. So to protect themselves (track), they strictly enforce the rules.

If you want to race your car without a bar/cage then come down to BG. But then again we have some against the GSCA and won't come:rolleyes: Instead they'll bash some other organization.

Billy T.

that about sums it up. :cool: Ya I have cages in all my cars that we DRIVE on the street !!! Its a CAR to have FUN with!! It's not the holy grail :rolleyes:
Looks to me that your the one making this a pissing match. They are telling you that NHRA rules will be in effect at the NHRA track. If you cant pass the safety requirements outlined in the rule book then please keep yours at home!!! I cant see the arguement here!! You have a race car - or you have a street car. I will be bringing my race car to race and leave my street cars at home. Mike:cool:

X2. Well said.
Wow, you know why are there rules for tracks? TOO SAVE LIVES. What would happen if you hit that wall at 145 with a stock seat belt that has age, it would snap and you would do a face plant on your steering wheel, and your front end would mash up and the block would crush your legs causing you to bleed to death just cause you don't want to put all safety equipment in your Regal. Put on some pants on and put the money into saving your life's and not thinking you can cheat death.
Wow, you know why are there rules for tracks? TOO SAVE LIVES. What would happen if you hit that wall at 145 with a stock seat belt that has age, it would snap and you would do a face plant on your steering wheel, and your front end would mash up and the block would crush your legs causing you to bleed to death just cause you don't want to put all safety equipment in your Regal. Put on some pants on and put the money into saving your life's and not thinking you can cheat death.

BLOWER, i agree with you to a point of safety but.... some of us have very nice cars that we don't wanna HACK UP just to put a roll bar or a cage in. it's not the money factor! did you ever drive a rollbar car on the street as a dd? it sucks! where do you put your family and what happens when your involved in a accident with no helmet on? i'll tell ya, you spit your head open on the bar! i DO understand ntr has their rules and i'm not b#tchin about that. i just think this event should've been moved to norwalk where there a lil more flexable. i'm sure it'll definately effect attendance. i don't think i can CHEAT DEATH i believe it's destin. if it's your time to go then you'll go .
Just to answer the "Norwalk" question, it is not an option for the BPG. The spring meet has an exclusive contract with Norwalk and no other Buick event can be held there. The BPG has the same arrangement with NTR.
BLOWER, i agree with you to a point of safety but.... some of us have very nice cars that we don't wanna HACK UP just to put a roll bar or a cage in. it's not the money factor! did you ever drive a rollbar car on the street as a dd? it sucks! where do you put your family and what happens when your involved in a accident with no helmet on? i'll tell ya, you spit your head open on the bar! i DO understand ntr has their rules and i'm not b#tchin about that. i just think this event should've been moved to norwalk where there a lil more flexable. i'm sure it'll definately effect attendance. i don't think i can CHEAT DEATH i believe it's destin. if it's your time to go then you'll go .

Couldnt have put it any better... Great post Demo!
What I am saying it that some people die at tracks and the family's get sue happy and sue the track for all their worth then the track closes down. Your favorite track get close down since they can bend the rules. Rules are rules you don't have to run at the track, but can enjoy the atmosphere of what a car club is. Why in the world would you dd your rollcage regal. I can see once in a while drive but dd, crazy.
What I would do in this situation, Why not just bring your car? If you don't and you see cars going down the track without cages or going faster than they should then your going to be Bummed because you didn't bring it and if they are going 100% by the rules then all your out is the Extra cost of gas money! The way I see it this sort of thing isn't new, We have been going through this for years at all kinds of tracks Even local tracks.

Bristol Motor Speedway is also a NHRA track and when I ran at the Pink's there the tech was little to nothing! A joke to say the least!! But before I took my car all the way there I had the same questions & Concerns and with NO CAGE I didn't think it would fly BUT IT DID!! They didn't look at my helmet, They didn't look under my car (for a driveshaft loop), They never said ANYTHING to me about NOT HAVING A CAGE!

So with that said Why don't everyone just look at this as a Poker game? IT'S A GAMBLE that in the end you can either WIN or Loose! Either way it's just going to cost you alittle extra money to play..

I hope you guy's bring your cars because I would hate to see you mis out when you could have raced after all.
