Bop Nationals

Qualifying is at 4pm Sat and final round, depending on other classes, beginning maybe by 7pm, no later than 8pm

I made the trip to Bristol for the first time this year. I haven't missed the nats in 8 years, and heard Bristol was huge. SO, I had to find out for myself. I didn't get there till sunday, and the place was pretty much empty. Did I miss all the action, or was this not a very big year? The facility was incredible...the best I've ever seen. But the turnout seemed weak. I did talk to a few people who said they were getting ready to roll out for home. Maybe I was a day late and a dollar sort.
You were a day late and a few dollars short....

There was a commendable turnout on Friday...considering the rain. (We raced for almost 5 hours!)

Saturday was packed with at least 200 racers.

Sunday had everyone from Saturday that didn't break and/or go home early. The eliminations started a little after Noon. After everyround, 1/2 of the cars there left. So if you didn't show up until after 1:30, 70% of the cars were gone. Jim wrapped the whole thing up by 4.
I am glad to hear that. I guess I'll make reservations for next year as soon as the new dates are available.
Bristol Observations

I was at Bristol Friday, Sat. and Sunday and have the following observations:


Jim Haas - Can't say enough positive about him. Loves the racing and puts on an excellent race program. Loves the Buicks. Lots of class based on my dealings with him. Very fair and generous.

The Track personnel - MOST helpful I've encountered. And friendly too! Definitely went out of their way to help.

The Track - One of the most Picturesque tracks I've seen. Absolutely beautiful facility. Track seemed well prepped given the times that were being run. Watching that dragster run was interesting. Some of the burnouts I saw might have won the Car Craft BO contest.

The BAD:

Attendance - There may have been 200 racers, but there weren't 200 cars racing that I saw. Of course, I was in the vending area the whole time (as CAR Motorsports). But I had a REAL CLEAR view of the staging lanes and never saw them full. Also, a trip to see the cars on show evidenced a rather small turnout. I don't say this as a negative, but in hopes of persuading more people to show. Jim Haas is a class act and his event was well run, perhaps even the BEST run. The track seemed quite well prepped and sticky (given the number of 7 and 8 second runs I kept hearing over the loudspeakers). The track people were the friendliest and MOST helpful I've EVER encountered. For example, on Friday, we had SUPER HIGH winds. VERY BAD. Track guys went and located 8 concrete buckets to anchor our tent. Then they came back to see if we needed anything else. I said I could use an extension cord and within 5 minutes, I had it.

Vendor row was very SPARSE indeed. SE Turbo (Dana Wyatt), Metco (the Bejaranos), OGS, and us (CAR Motorsports) were about it for vendors. The BPG club was there with Jim Weise (another respectable individual like Jim Haas), Mike Bucy, and others in attendance. Beyond these, not much else.

A friend of mine that was in the swap meet area said there about 8 vendors there. So apparently, swap meet turnout was low also.

The Ugly:

The inexplicable lack of attendance and support. You'd think that Great Track + Great Organizer + Great Personnel + Great Location = BIG event. Not what I saw. Turnout was extremely low and I can't understand why. Weather? Maybe, but the forecast was accurate and both Sat. and Sun. were PERFECT. Friday wasn't that bad until late afternoon when the really wet mist showed up.

If you are missing Bristol, you are missing a potentially great event. The only thing it seems to need is attendance by car owners, whether race or show. I hope more people will give this event a chance. It really deserves it.

Alan Faircloth
I have to agree on the track. It was no holds barred the most beautiful facility I have ever seen. The stands were incredible, layout was great, I was in awe of the background scenery.

I think this thing has the potential to far surpass the GS nationals as far as location, it just needs a few more bodies. I was there in my Typhoon, the GN is down for major work.

I really thought I was in the wrong place when I saw the parking lot.

If Jim runs this event again next year, I will be there!!

Hopefully a few more vendors can be persuaded...bringing spectators...bringing swappers.

These things always start slow and then snowball.
Uh...I believe Jack Cotton had the largest of the vendor's areas. There was also plenty of people selling parts out of their trailers. Considering that the turnout was 2X of last year, I don't understand what you are complaining about. Unlike BG, Bristol doesn't have the reputation of a national Buick event amongst the locals (I hear they like watching cars go in circles for hours...look at the oval track next door).

And because Turbo Buick owners don't hot lap their cars, you will not necessarily get "the show" you do at BG with their 400+ attendance. With the reputation of Turbo Regal owners being so cheap, I can understand why only some of the the few turbo regals vendors that are left did attend.

Weather is a much bigger factor when you are talking about a 3-day event versus a 5-day event. Shirley that hurricane scared away more people than it excited.;)
Originally posted by Scott231
Shirley that hurricane scared away more people than it excited.;) [/B]

I don't mean to be complaining. I thought it was a good event. I hope these posts move more people to get involved. I think the facility is incredible, and I am all for any event that gets Buick people together. And, I am sure that I missed most of the action by showing up on Sunday like You said.

I will be there next year without a doubt, but I think it is important to whore this event. The bigger the event the better it will be for all parties. If we encourage more people to go, more vendors go, etc, etc.

And dont call me Shirley:D

I totally support Jim, and thank him for all the effort.
I agree with Alan's statement on the previous page. Bristol is an incredible facility, and this event has been staged for several years running now - there's no easy explanation for the lack of racer and spectator participation. In fact, many of the racers and some vendors we spoke to told us that they will probably not make the trip to Bristol next year for BOP 2003. That is very disappointing.
Is it the advertising? A local spectator mentioned that aside from the track's marquee mentioning the upcoming BOP event for the week prior, there was no local advertising. And the conflict with the NMRA Finals just a few hours away in BG can't help either. One thing we found remarkable was the fact that many of the folks we spoke to had travelled in excess of ten hours to attend. It seemed that the majority of the spectators (and racers) were not local folks - they were hardcore enthusiasts like ourselves that would not miss a dedicated Buick event like BOP, even if it meant a tortuous drive from south Florida, New Jersey, or even western NY. So where is everyone else? I sure would like to see this event grow, because we'll participate in some manner no matter what. We just love the dang Buicks too much. And we are grateful to Jim for his all his efforts.

Rick & Kristi Bejarano
METCO Motorsports

Thanks Jim and all involved I had a blast. cant wait till next year!! :cool: thanks Bret Rudbeck { TSM stock blocks that rock } just 1 request for next year please dont round robin us we are pushing the limit of the engines and having to run it hot sure doesnt help matters any. 20 mins would be nice Im just a low budget stock radiator stock fan stock location heat soaked intercooler having poor boy from Indiana trying to keep up with the big dogs.I better work on a cool down cart this winter I did the same thing there last year trying to run too many classes. made a bunch of runs and nuked a gasket. I guess I should of built a cart last winter. huh! well it was great and to all that missed it! Shame on you!! Its a beautiful place and great people Thanks again to all involved keep up the great work and hope to see you all again next year.peace Rudbeck Racing

i have went for the last two years without my car because i am working on it. i will be next year with my car:D . I've had my car for about 6 years now but the last two years i have gotton this bug. i can't get enough of these awesome cars. I think it is a great event for these cars and i think it will grow year by year. Super nice people and down to earth venders makes owning one of these cars very very rewarding....................................Bob Wren