BLM dilemna


Feb 1, 2002
hey guy i was curious about my Blms.
I know i will hear "do a search" and well i understand BLms to a point, But theres a few things that i dont understand.

OK when my car idles my BLMs are consistant 127-128 which i know is very good for idle,

Now MY blms dont uually go under 115 which i know isnt bad

But alot of times, i have good BLms and I Give it some pedal and get on It...

alot of times my BLms will shoot up to like 138 -140

Now i just wanna know is this normal? Or should i be looking for something like a Exhaust leak perhaps? CrossOver? maybe a vacuum Leak?
Could it be a Fuel pressure issue?

My scanmaster data is pretty much where everything needs to be.

I was just wondering if any of you had a little insight

127 -128 idle BLMs are dead on. If you BLms only shoot up to 138-140 on occasion you are in good shape as the computer is still in control of the fueling since the BLMs are well below the max of 150 - 160 - whatever is progarammed intop the chip.
Normal, quit chasin numbers :D and get back to the mods.

Ideally, you want BLMs to hover in the 122-125 range. You may have something small but not much to worry about.

If the classic driver's header crack hasn't been repaired, chances are it is cracked and needs repair. That could cause a minor fluctuation in BLM reading. Get down there with a flashlight and take a close look. It could even be behind the heat shield. GM Top Engine cleaner works wonders to diagnose it.