Best Pickup line

From "the ladies man"

"Was your fatha a meat burgular?" "No, why"

"Cause it looks like someone stole two fine hams and shoved em down the back a yo dress"

Used these two after a "few drinks"

"Hey baby, whats up with that thing, I know ya brought it with ya"

"Hey, if ya smell somthin stinkin its me cause I'm the shi*!!"

This one will REALLY works on breaking the ice with a girl you want to talk to. Give it a try. Get a piece of paper, and in your best 3rd grade writing :
I like you. Do you like me. Check yes or no. "yes or no with boxes" They crack up all the time. Using a crayon to write in is a bonus.
Originally posted by dentmasters01
From "the ladies man"

"Was your fatha a meat burgular?" "No, why"

"Cause it looks like someone stole two fine hams and shoved em down the back a yo dress"

Used these two after a "few drinks"

"Yeah, well that is disgustin'!"

From my few years on this earth, these 2 are my favorites:

"Hey, I might not be Fred Flintstone- but I could sure make your bed rock!"


"Just give me one shot, I swear it'll be the best 30 seconds of your life."

I hope this can get someone a piece:D .

Originally posted by denn454

that line for getting laid is great, i'll have to give it a shot. did you come up with it or hear it from someone?

I never heard of anyone else doing it besides this thread,ive used it over at least 6-7 year's.Work's great with chicks that are uptight or any chick for that matter;)
I didnt see this one but if I missed it, Sorry.

"If I could change the alphabet, I would put "U" and "I" together."
"Nice shoes, lets fawk" :cool:

"Fawk me if I'm wrong, but your name's Gertrude"

"Here, let me clean you off a spot to sit" (While wiping off your face...;) )
"I've got a 12 inch d*ck and a dozen roses...and a pickup truck. Hubba Hubba Hey" - Rodney Carrington

"Were you born on a farm? Because you sure know how to raise c**ks"

Makes them laugh every time, and allows you to start a conversation that may actually lead to something :)
Not a pickup line, but the best rejection line I ever heard:
Do you like sex? (yes)
Do you like nature (yes)
Well then take f-n hike!!

True story, I swear....:cool:
I'm Here. What Are Your Other 2 Wish's.

Tell A Girl To Smile. Work's All The Time.

Ask Her If She's Going To Walk To Her Car By Herself Later!!

Ask Her If Your Outfit Makes You Look Fat!!

Tell Her Jokingly She Looks Like A Prude. ( Girls Like To Prove Guys' Wrong.)
Here's one:

Me: Excuse me, are you from Tennesse?
Her: No, why
Me: Because you're the only ten I see
:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

and the line from My Blue Heaven
You see a hot girl in the frozen food section at the supermarket. Beside staring at her nipples, you say to her......

Me: Excuse me
Her: What
Me: You know, it's dangerous for you to be here in the frozen food section
Her: Why
Me: Because you could melt all the food

This one worked for me a few times, but you have to be talking with her already.

Her: So what kind of work do you do?
Me: I'm a photographer
Her: Really, what kind
Me: Well..........
Her: 'com on, you can tell me
Me: I work for Victoria's Secret
At this point, she is becomes really interested in you. I said this a few times and it worked. The first time I said it, I was expecting her to walk away or getting owned but it worked the other way around. She became interested and the rest is history:cool:

Billy T.