Best Pickup line

"That sweater is quite becoming on you...And if I was that sweater I'd be coming on you too!:eek:
"Hey, how's about going home with me and I'll buy you lots of clothes and shoes and jewelry and you can get your hair and nails every week and run around day and night with your girlfriends and have the phone grow to your ear and neglect the house and the kids and refuse to cook and refuse sex and make me miserable for about 50 years, until I die and you live 20 more on everything I've earned while you laid around and watched Oprah..."

That always works...


Worked for me.:eek: j/k though quite a bit of it IS true.
Years ago, when I had a jewelry store, a young college student came in. He was doing a paper for some class about picking up girls and bedding them. I didn't believe him for a minute, but played along. He bought 3 sterling silver rings with a simulated diamond in each so they looked exactly like an engagement ring. I had to put each ring in a nice felt ring box to look like it was expensive. Each week for almost a year he came in and bought the same thing, 100 of them in all.

After I got to know him, he finally told me what he was doing with them. 3 nights a week Wed. Fri. and Sun. he would go to a different bar in Manhattan, and Westchester county (he lived on L.I.) and would go in, look for a nice looking girl, either alone or with girlfriends, wait to get a seat or ask her to dance.

They'd start to talk and he'd come out with this story that he just broke up with his girlfriend, after he asked her to marry him, and showed the girl the ring. she'd look at it, (they did look REAL GOOD!) and then he would say " Damn, I'm not going to need this anymore,and he'd say, let me see if it fits you, and slip it on her finger. She'd look at it all glassy eyed, and he'd say, "IT's yours, and give her a kiss on her cheek.

Long story short, out of 100 girl's he tried it with, he SCORED with 88 of them!!!!!!

He got an A on his paper, but said the real bad part was he could never go back to those bars`again, and would hate to see what happened when that girl went to have the ring appraised. She had given it up for a $10 ring!

TRUE STORY!!!! You just can't make that chit up!
After reading this thread I now know why TR pics with chics are so scarce. :p
"I would eat your Pooh"- Brian the dog from Family Guy refering to Louis after going back in time and seeing her when she was 18. I saw the episode the other night and I cracked up when I heard it. It made me think of this thread. No wonder why I can't get a date.....
sit next to a girl and keep looking at your watch until she asks about it, i.e. " is your date late" then respond no...see this watch has special telepathic powers. her interest sparked she asks "what was it telling you?" reply tells me your not wearing any panties. she laughs and responds im sorry but your watch must be broken because im in fact wearing panties....then smile and tap on your watch saying oh this damn thing is an hour fast
if she's standing next to me at the bar i 'd say something smooth like , can i push in your stool.
If you don't want those puppies you're hiding in your sweater, I'll take the ones with the brown noses!!
Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
"I would eat your Pooh"- Brian the dog from Family Guy refering to Louis after going back in time and seeing her when she was 18. I saw the episode the other night and I cracked up when I heard it. It made me think of this thread. No wonder why I can't get a date.....

Reminds me of my friends line : "I'd eat a mile of her s**t just to see where it came from" :eek:
oh dam

i cant believe this one was not useD YET

"your very attractive.. for a beautiful girl with a great body"

Not a pick up line but the perfect way to get laid on a 1st date thats going real well,after some kissing and alot of beer:) you say "I really like you alot and dont want to cheapen it by going all the way"

I swear ive used that AT LEAST 5 times without fail.There reactions are all the same "Awww,your so sweet".Makes the women think youre actually a respectable,caring guy ;)

How did you manage to pull that one off? Every time I said something similar it ended up with them thinking "this guy is too nice I think I'll take advantage of that and not put out". One girl even later admitted it scared her.

Never again did I say anything remotely close.

BTW I don't use pick up lines, I just be myself.
I used this several times at the club with good results:

"Hey baby, go home and kiss your Mom smack dab in the mouth because you owe her for the A$$ and TEEET$":biggrin:

That way you give compliments to her and her Mom and women like that!
