Belt Tensioner... where can I get a new one?


Formerly NothinYet
Feb 13, 2007
Mine is bouncing around and making a ton of noise, I need to get rid of it.

Its so shot I think its causing my knock sensor to go off every once in awhile!
Belt is brand new...

tensioner is making a weird noise and is "bouncing" at idle.

They don't last for ever.Dorman may have it, or If not,the belt people at Dana can help.I don't think Buick still carries this item,but it wouldn't hurt to call them. Check your options. Good luck!
That's why I asked. If the belt is brand new, that could be the problem. What is the part number on the belt. Many parts sources give an incorrect belt size. A belt that is slightly too long will cause the tensioner to bob up and down and make a chirping sound. The belt number should have a "35" in it as in mm.
Belt has a few numbers on it...

25-060640 in large print

OR-3 2155MC 15 in small print...
I'd be willing to bet that belt is too long, and causing the tensioner to bob up and down. I always keep a spare. Notice the 60635.


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Might want to take that one and have it rebuilt. Also try going with a smaller belt. Sometimes that stops it from jumpin around. I had a brand new one and it was bouncing so I went with the smaller belt and it's fine now. Goodyear gatorbackbelt that is a little smaller (4060635) Cheap fix to try. If it don't help you'll have a new belt for your new tensioner! :cool:
While were are on the subject.........

Can I get it powder coated without taking it apart?

My only other solution is to paint it glass black and make due for a while.
Check around

P/N for tensioner is 25526387. Puritan Pontiac Buick ( lists it for $109 while lists it as no longer available. Best bet is to check around.
Check the bearing on the wheel, usually that is what goes bad. You can buy a new wheel with the bearing in it, I had to replace mine. Got a new wheel at autozone.
Tarey D.
How hard is it to replace just the belt tensioner pulley? Is it something that can be done fairly easy with basic tools or will I get in over my head?