beheading in Iraq Video.


May 28, 2001
This video does not meet the standards of
acceptability we adhere to on
With the availability of the Internet and all the
sources where this link can be accessed thru, we
choose not to be a source of reference for getting to
this gruesome display of inhumanity.
This is not infringing on anyone's freedom of speech
because it is so readily available on the net. It is
that we have thought this thru, weighed it and have
decided, we don't wish to be a link to this
unfortunate display of inhumanity. Some may watch this
and be ok with it, but many have also had severe
disturbance from the actual killing of a human being.
We do not approve or dis approve of anyone seeing this
video or pics of it. The point being is that wishes to not be associated with it by
providing a video link to it.

However if members would like to express his or her opinions about this senseless act in there threads and/or post we have no problem with that , as long as members follow the guildlines of this site.

As for the links that some of you have placed in your threads and post I will be removing them.
Iam sorry if some of you dont agree with our decision but please respect it.....We are and have been a PG board.


(flame suit on):eek: :)
I dont think anyone will flame you for this, that is something that does not belong on this board, myself and Im sure many other people do not want to see that video so if you do go elsewhere like he said.
I saw the threads to this, but I didn't bother to read the thread itself. I didn't honestly think there would be a link to this in here. I have ABSOLUTELY no need to see that. Furthermore, out of respect for the family, I will not use their sons decapitation as my latest video download.

I'll stick to videos of wild drag races. :)

All respects and prayers go to that mans family.
I have no desire to see that at all. If your brother had his head sawed off by a pack of sick dip$h!ts, you would likely prefer that it wasn't posted all over the place.....I agree in having respect for that.

Much respect to the family.
Originally posted by Tony87gn
I dont think anyone will flame you for this,

On this issue....not publicly.
To the few people that sent me PM's and emails telling me Iam an "A**hole" for not allowing the video and always trying to strip away there freedom of speech I really wish they would explain to others here why it is so important to them to show this sick video on this site :confused: :( :mad:
yeah... no reason for that :mad: if they really wanna see it, then search on the internet for it... it's everywhere. i, myself, chose not to watch it in respect for the family, & for fear that i may not be able to handle it. anyway, kudos to jesse for making the decision. you're not taking away freedom of speech, because they're still free to talk about it, & i agree that there's no reason that vid should be posted on this board.
Originally posted by Jesse
On this issue....not publicly.
To the few people that sent me PM's and emails telling me Iam an "A**hole" for not allowing the video and always trying to strip away there freedom of speech I really wish they would explain to others here why it is so important to them to show this sick video on this site :confused: :( :mad:

I am sure if it was their Son, they would feel differnet. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Jesse
On this issue....not publicly.
To the few people that sent me PM's and emails telling me Iam an "A**hole" for not allowing the video and always trying to strip away there freedom of speech I really wish they would explain to others here why it is so important to them to show this sick video on this site :confused: :( :mad:

There is no purpose in showing this video.Everyone knows that these people are just a few steps below cockroaches in the evolution chain..................

And if it was my family member that was killed I would take offense that this site would offer a link to it.

cmon guys

Dont give those bastards the satisfaction they want. Everytime someone watches that video they are getting exactly what they want.

Thanks to Jesse for NOT letting this be posted here,,,,it is on the other baord and I will be removing them from my favorites list as soon as I post this.

Thanks Again,,,,,,

Originally posted by Jesse
On this issue....not publicly.
To the few people that sent me PM's and emails telling me Iam an "A**hole" for not allowing the video and always trying to strip away there freedom of speech I really wish they would explain to others here why it is so important to them to show this sick video on this site

The Internet is a big place, if the guys that like the morbid, need a fix, there's lots of other places to go.

Some people just don't get it, and never will. So let them whine and stomp their feet.

How about posting their emails in public, and see what they have to say?. For child molesters they print their addresses, how about letting the list know who the morbidly curious are?.

Desensitizing folks to death is about the worst mental game I can think of.
You're a good man Jesse. Thanks for showing the class and character that are missing from an overwhelming portion of the population these days.

Props to Jesse:cool:
Nasty emails to Jesse are not cool at all. I love this board and to think that some people would treat a moderator that way is just, well, F'ed up. I have not viewed the video and I am glad to see it off the board. Thanks Jesse. I hope those people writing dirty emails see this post...................:mad:

My personal thoughts are everyne should see the clip. It will show everyone just what is inhumane treatment of prisoners, but I completely agree this is not the forun to supply a link to it.
I don't think anyone put it here to cause problem, rather they were just as taken back as everyone I know that has seen it.
You made a good move in my consideration Jesse, but we know just how valuable my consideration is though. LMAO

a couple of guys that i work with told me a website to go to that has a video. i told them i had no interest in seeing it. now on the other hand, show me a towelhead chained by his arms and legs to 4 tanks going 4 different directions and i'm THERE! i'm sorry. i believe in god and the commandments like "thou shalt not kill", but it gets to be too much to handle sometimes with the media only giving the majority of attention to those "POOR" iraqi prisoners, when those sob's are MUTILATING our people. screw them.
I went to the link. The full video is very disturbing, I fast forwarded through it. These murders definately need to be punished. I heard an expert on terrorists in Iraq talking about the one that is the leader and mastermind of alot of terrorist activies there. The expert questioned if the knife wielder could be that terrorist because he jumps on the Berg's back pretty smoothly considering he has a prosthetic leg. I don't think there is any doubt the he's involved in this though. Latest thing I heard is they arrested 4 men that are supposed to be in the video but not he leader.