attempted car jack

88 CuttyClassic

The Enviromental Hitman
Oct 30, 2001
someone tried to jack my boy for his GN last night. the GN has some body damage, he is a little rattled but he still has his car. He had a gun to his head but spooled up and took off throwing the ______ out of the car. He got arrested for a hit and run but charges were dropped when a witness called in what they saw. I feel bad cause he wants to sell it now and its a beautiful car. I told him to park it for a bit and let things cool down. I think he's worried about repercussions cause they got the ____ that did this. He don't wanna get caught up. Bro, if you read this just give it sometime, things will work out. -cutty
Ya I agree, keep the car just let things cool down. Maybe even for the rest of the summer or whatever it takes.

As for the hit and run arrest, wow I would've been so angry about that. I know the charges were dropped but still. Did he report the incident right away ? or is that when all the trouble happened with the police, when he went there and told them what happened.

Well at least they got the guy, and the car is still in tact, and above all else there is no hole in his head. Thank goodness you werent hurt.

Whatever you decide, Im sure it'll be for the best.
i wasn't with him. he told me when he spooled up, the car did a donut and then he hit some car and just took off and just kept blowing red lights. Turns out the guy he hit was tring to catch him , go figure :D he went the back way to this police station and the hit and run was already reported but the attempted car jack wasn't so he was arrested but someone called in the car jack attempt along with the jackers plate. the police dusted the car for prints and got some. the thief broke the passenger door handle. he smashed his bumper and headlight bezel and dented the rear quarter. he's just worried the theives boys are gonna be looking for his car. there a lot more to the story but i don't want to get into another issue as it relates to other members. NO ONE here is at fault or a suspect thou.
get make him carry a billy, ive been car jacked 3 times. 2 of the times i beat the liveing $%^& out of the suckers and the 3d i droped him out a window doing about 60. after a while you get used to it.

btw ive still got one of the car jackers teeth.;)
thxs bob

ya that story was about me in the gn,i cant belive it!it was 800pm still light out in traffic.what happened was i seen the guy in the corner of my eye,and i always drive around doors locked windows i guess he tried open the door didnt open so it brokethe handle.then he jumped half way in the winow wit a gun and was like..give me the car now.i was like f.u. spooled it up and left well when i did the car did half a donut and hit the car in front of me and then my back of the car hit the same car i kept goin through lights and went to the police bob said up above.long story short the car looks like a gnx but its a gn wit 43,000 miles and very fast. so now i need the following if anyone can help me out

1 front grille spring
i need my door handle looked at it opens when u tug it
front bumper
front bumper strip
rt parking light
rt blackout package
rt air dam
rear dent in quarter by taillight taking out hopefully dentwizard?

i guess u can say im lucky to be alive,the cars only a hunk of metal.pittsburgh people beware of your t's and gn's or an x if u got it! jealousy is a bad thing icant wait till im 21 to get a gun permit! thxs alot greg
i'm just glad i still got someone to roll with. Don't worry about them boys, they don't wanna go there. I know between us we have a ton of boys. I told my boy down in NC and he said if we ever get followed again to drive right down his old block in the hill. nuff said about that.

He may have broke the spring in the door handle, they break and the handle will flop up and down.
Sorry to hear about that, hope verything turns out ok with you and your car. Its just wierd to hear these stories becaus ei live in Philly and noone even seems to notice my car, let alone want to steal it. Is carjacking in these cars only happening in specifica parts of the country?? I want to worry about my car, but noone seems to even care that it exists!!!!
Something that could stop carjackings...

I remember seeing on tv one time that some manufacturer in Japan makes an anti-car jacking system. I guess it runs on a system similar to flamethrowers for your exhaust. Being that most car jackers are going to approach your door, you push a button, and 6 ft. flames shoot out along the side of your door :eek: . Too bad it never caught on, that would be hilarious to see.
not sure what part of philly you live in, but i wouldnt be worried about getting jacked while your driven so much, as to when you have it parked.
I used to live in downtown philly, right of the ben frank pkwy, for a couple years, and watched a jeep grand cherokee get jacked in broad daylight, was broke in and drove away in about a min.
know plenty of other people in the same area that got their car stolen as well, some not even that nice of a car.
Neighborhood wasnt even bad.
I have a bumper and strip that needs to be painted( bad paint job,wrong color)Make me a reasonable offer.
this is why I ALWAYS lock my doors as soon as I start the GN and I carry my .40 every time it leaves the garage.. I feel bad for the person who *tries* to jack me:)