Atrocities committed by Iraq barbarians

Originally posted by Foolis
Good point, but how many Americans need to die in order for these people to realise your point? For me, 1 dead coalition soldier from a car bomb is too much. At least in Viet Nam, the casualties were usually involved in combat with a known enemy.
The thought of a few marines driving along on patrol and getting incinerated in there Humvee makes me wonder if thier pissant little country is worth the effort, and lives.

Pull out. Get out. Close the borders.

There is certainly a great amount of merit to your point.
Thank you Chevy 11,
Plain and simple. I guess thats the way you have to talk to Bush supporters, too many details confuse them!
Originally posted by We4ster
Thank you Chevy 11,
Plain and simple. I guess thats the way you have to talk to Bush supporters, too many details confuse them!
Your wit is overpowering me! Help! I'm drowning in the mind of he who not only misspelled 'Intelligent' but did it in caps!! Ahhhhh!

That's right, retard....see above.
Missssspllled Intelejent....Darn Darn Darn
I shudda taken out my Redneks Dixshunary!
Reading this gets me thinking. Since the time I started keeping tabs on what is/was going on around The World.... the more I believe we can't solve all the problems. I think at times we have to get involved. In the case of Iraq I never thought they were a huge danger to US. Their neighbors.... yes but most of them handled Iraq okay with the exception of Quwait. We helped out there though. I realize we have to protect our interests in foreign lands. The only thing in Iraq we care about is the oil plain and simple. If it wasn't for the oil I think we could write off just about all of them from needing to stick our noses in. Since I can remember I always thought we should invest and spend the money right here on security and defense in the U.S. and monitor The World. When something is a huge threat then go for it! I don't think this will ever happen in my lifetime though.
Originally posted by We4ster

I spent 10 years as a Navy Seal(Seal Team 1) and did two tours in Vietnam!

Proud to be an AMERICAN

Cool! What class were you in? Who was your C.O.?
It made me mad as hell when I heard about this, but after thinking about it, these people that are putting up resistance and doing this...that's all they know how to do, that's all they have been doing since they were probably very young..that's what Saddam trained them to do or they would die. We are still at war, so soldiers and civilians over there are going to get killed, until a govt is in place and the soldiers have left.
Now, about killing all of the muslims...its not all Muslims, I work with several muslims and they are very much FOR the US stepping in and trying to get some order in the M.E., also work with several Indians that are Hindu, and an Iranian everyone works together very well, what you see over there is only a small fraction of the population retaliating, but that's what makes the news and thats what gets sensationalized.

Maybe it is about oil, maybe it's not...hell, that's partly why Japan started WWII, because the US quit selling them oil...if its all about oil, why do we sell so much of our own oil. And if it is about oil and you have a problem with it, then ok, let Al Gore rule and all of our turbo cars will become govt property because they pollute and consume too much gas and oil...
Notice how none of the mainstream media will show the pictures of the charred bodies being drug through the streets and beaten, then hung from a bridge? Notice how you never see footage of those planes hitting the towers anymore? Heaven forbid us delicate Americans might see some images that are "disturbing", might incite anger, or take us away from more pressing issues like leading a blissful life of leisure at the shopping mall. :mad: In my opinion these images should be shown in their entirety every single day if necessary. If anyone needs a reminder of why it is most of these vermin in Iraq need an extermination go to and take a good long look at the pictures of the burned bodies. Take a good look at the grinning faces of our enemies. If you don't get it at that point, there is no hope for you. Fire up the B-52s and flatten Falluja. The same technique seemed to work pretty well in Dresden in WW2 and take the fight out of the Nazis.

Just a friendly reminder from one of the fruits in California. Or am I a nut this week? Sometimes I forget.
Wars fought by the US today are too humane. We are too worried about civilian casualties.

Years ago, when war was declared, armies (take Rome for example) would kill everyone and everything. This would include tearing down trees and salting the fields to prevent anything from growing there. All animals, women, and children would be killed UNLESS the Romans wanted to take the people for slaves. The Romans, and countless other badass armies through history would do this, knowing that if they did not kill everyone, then their children would have to fight these children again in a few years. In other words back in these times, just winning the war was not enough. Entire civilizations and /or cultures were to be wiped out. I think when war is declared by the US, this should be the attitude. If we are not willing to win, and win BIG, then we should stay at home. Is this a police action , or a war?

No flames intended to anyone, just kinda thinking out loud.:cool:
Originally posted by Buick From Hell
Interesting reading...

Fisk is a communist and apologist for Stalin, Pol Pot, Fidel and every other Marxist out there. Virulently anti-american. Elias is of similar ilk - here's an excerpt from his bio at USF:

He was a Visiting Scholar at the Peace & Conflict Studies Program and at the Center for the Study of Law & Society at the University of California, Berkeley. He's also taught at Tufts University (Boston), the University of Maryland (Europe and College Park), New College of California, Penn State University, and at Pennsylvania's Rockview State Prison. He has been a researcher at the Institute for Defense & Disarmament Studies (Boston), Oxfam America (Boston), the Vera Institute of Justice (New York), the Graduate Institute of International Studies (Geneva), and the International Institute of Human Rights (Strasbourg).

Elias worked as a disc jockey at WMFO-FM in Massachusetts, and has been a co-host of "USF Today" at KUSF-FM. He was active in the peace, civil rights, and anti-apartheid movements, and is a member of the Green Party. He lived and worked in Europe for almost two years. He has traveled widely in Europe, the former Soviet Union, northern Africa, the South Pacific, and in Latin America - including a "Social Policy" tour of Cuba, and a "Baseball for Peace" tour of Nicaragua.

So, BFH, do you, as an automotive high-performance aficianado, generally find yourself in agreement with these two?
I noticed in the article he mentioned how many time the US has voted no, or not voted on several issues at the UN. I do not see that as a negative. We should pull out of the UN, have the building vacated and razed. The UN should be moved to France.
Originally posted by We4ster

Read this.......

That is a good article but it fails to mention other things that were going on at the time.

One glaring example is it says how bush failed to act against the Taliban at the same time Patty Murray and Ted Kennedy were voting to send additional aid to the Taliban (summer 2001)

If you don't think this wouldn't have raised a stink in the hate bush crowd, you are kidding yourself.

Bush's concerns about North Korea panned out too. Not only were they Developing a Nuclear Bomb (against a treaty they signed with Clinton) they are also developing a delivery system to use it.

We were attacked by 19 militant muslims first, but that doesn't mean the Korean threat has gone away.
Spin, Spin, Spin....We're talking about Iraq!

The present administration screwed up and they need to apologize to the american people so that we can move on.

"The Governator is watching you"
Originally posted by We4ster
Spin, Spin, Spin....We're talking about Iraq!

The present administration screwed up and they need to apologize to the american people so that we can move on.

"The Governator is watching you"

So in the past 30 years, which President has done a good job in your opinion?