Atr Wastegaste Questions Need Help


New Member
Apr 29, 2004
I need help on how to setup the ATR external wastegate so I can get the boost around 25#s. I also have an ATR needle valve setup too, that is closed all the time. Right now I am getting around 14#s of boost at WOT. Do you use a lighter spring and then open the needle valve or do you use the heavier spring and use the needle valve to get the boost higher? Which spring is which also? I have about 4 of them that came with the car when I bought it? I am getting the car ready for kill mode when I race this Mustang with a 300 shot. It is fast so I need some help and I will be using C-16 in the car.
The stock ATR spring is notoriously weak. I believe it may be 14lb but don't hold me to that. You want a stronger spring to hold the wastegate puck closed.
the gold/yellow spring is rated for 16-18psi. with the bleeder valve closed you should be around that boost level, open the valve and the boost should rise. if youre only getting 14psi, you probably have a vacum leak some where or youre gate needs some repairing, check the diaphram.