Are the motor mounts suppose to fit kinda funny?


Jul 2, 2001
I bought new motor mounts and noticed they hit the freeze plug boss as you tighten them up. It kinda tweaks the mounts as you tighten them. I don't have the old ones to compare. Is this normal or am I missing something?
It doesn't sound right for a stock motor with stock mounts.
You don't have them on the wrong side do you? They are side specific.

Yep, they are side specific. 2 different mounts. It will not go in with the mounts in wrong.
Yeah, I just did this a couple of months ago, and other than a couple of really tight spots, the stock mounts (GM) hooked right up.

The last time I had the tranny serviced, they put what looked like 2 driver side mounts in. They are definitly supposed to be side specific.

Maybe you have a down pipe or other interfearence problem holding the engine at a strange angle? This might account for the strange angle!
The engine is still on an engine stand, so I'll check it out when I get home to see if I have the mounts on the wrong sides or if I got 2 of the same side.
The motor mounts are SUPPOSED to hit against the freeze plug boss, and "tweaks" or pulls into that corner. It is kinda like pre-loading it, which keeps it from rattling around under power.

We designed ours the same way. We just made them "tweak" a little less, because our thicker 1/4" base plate will move much less under power. Same idea though, you don't want it to rattle on the drivers side once the motor starts to pull over under power. GM designed it this way, and made the freeze plug bosses strong enough to take the extra load. It gives it a lot more support on the pass side too. I am getting a bright red sticker to put on our mounts to let people know this. You would be surprised how many people see that & wonder.