Anyone getting Married?


"Would You Believe..."
Jul 29, 2007
Any "Shiny Happy People" from the forums here going to Cali to get Married?

ha ha haaa!!

Can you imagine a rainbow colored flag (or bears) on a beautifully black GN?

Oh Jeez-
So..... is that the definition of "shiney happy people"? I remember the REM song of same name with Michael Stipe singing. Was he trying to tell us something?;) :eek:

If that gets passed here in the Deep South, it WILL be time to move! :eek:
lol! yeah, REM Michael Stipe is so gay- God Bless him...
And the rainbow colored bear stickers are all over Gay people's cars if you notice. Anything rainbow is gay now. Doesn't that just suck?

I used to have a rainbow air freshner in my car back in the 80's- NOT THESE DAYS!! :eek:

I know a guy who went to a carshow in Florida with 20 gay flag stickers and stuck them on the windshields of the cars in the carshow without anyone knowing- he was a Jackass, and you should of seen the people laughing including judges, when they seen these stickers on the cars.
Luckily where I live, in Kern County, they have refused to perform these so called "marriages".
I just dont see the point behind marriage??? 1 vagina for the rest of your life?? So many vagina's and so little time:eek: