Angry Marines!

Yeah they have every right to be even more pissed. Seeing the pics and videos made me feel sick inside, it was awful. Being they are actually over there and there is a chance it could be one of them, I can only imagine the way they feel
I agree i am so pissed. I have a link of our boys laying in the streets dead like dogs that Artisa sent me. I will not post it here.

I say enough to the west wing people and the protestors, this is WAR and i feel that we should be dropping booklets telling the inocent people to leave now, after that i would level this PRICK :mad:

I have been watching the news all night, i am waiting to see what this PRICK does when we get to Bagdad, if he uses Chemical war on our men and woman in the US Forces, i say LEVEL THEM, make them feel the power and thunder of 24/7 B52 raids.

Two Lane you got to get me going again. Like i keep saying to all these people oh we are killing inocent people, what was in the World Trade Center *******s!!!!!!!
like i said in another post,this is not the first time the marine corps has encountered this kind of enemy.

in the pacific theater in ww2 the japs would do everything the iraqis are doing now,fake surrender/ambush,torture and execute pow's,etc.

the end result was the marines basically stopped taking jap prisoners.roll up to the bunker,toss in some grenades and hit the little bastards with the flamethrower.

do some research on the # of pow's taken in the european theater vs. the pacific theater.the #'s are a little lopsided.