Americans lossing there FREEDOM!

Originally posted by TT/A1233
Sie ficken Leute Muttern. Behalten Sie, um demokratisch zu wählen, und, warum nicht Sie macht, reichen nur dieses Land über zu Al-Queda. Traurig..

Du hast Recht! Ich bin kein Freund der Gewerkschaften. Hier in Deutschland haben diese zuviel Macht und unsere Wirtschaft is keinen Scheiss wert weil keiner mehr Leute einstellt. Im Moment denke ich ihr solltet froh sein, dass ihr Arbeit habt.

Dein Deutch braucht mehr Uebung. Und warum hast du das ueberhaupt in Deutsch geschrieben?

You are right! I am not a friend of unions !Here in Germany they have way too much power and our econmy isn't worth a sh!t anymore because nobody is employing anybody anymore. Right now, I think you guys should be happy to have a job.

Your German need more practice :) and why did u write this in German anyways?
Originally posted by turbot2496
As for the guy getting triple time for his birthday ... LOL your paying union dues . Everything you think you got, you just signed over to your union.

LOL.. I doubt that... I pay about 500 bucks a year dues and any and every holiday I work is tripple time. Its not my fault they needed/wanted me to work on holidays. Its no fun being away from family on holidays and to make it worth while you are compensated for it.

You'll be the loudest one crying when they send your 63 and hour job overseas and get it done for .25 an hour.

Thats the funniest thing this week.. Guess what? The federal government wont let our product be manufactured outside of the continental US for national security reasons. Some day it may happen but not in the near future..

Everybody at my place gets paid for holidays whether we work them or not and our birthdays are considered holidays ..... LOL and were not union. Imagine that. How can they do it??

Second funniest thing this week.. Did it ever cross your mind that I still get paid if I dont work a holiday? Thanks to my union contract holidays are all paid. You just make tripple time if you get called in to work.

You guys can union bash all you want. Im sure there are companies that treat their employees excellent and if you work for one of those companies then you are in an envyable position and dont need a union. However, if you work for one of the many companies that have zero issue with treating every one like a door mat then it might be something to look into. I bet Enron was a "great company" at one point. Bet if you did a pole of the former employees there that they would sing a little different tune now.

Have a nice day. :)
Ahhh Dealt with some more fine union labor last night. Watched a union employee spend 2 hours to move 12 pallets about 100 ft from where they were sitting staged to the inside of my trailer. Now most people could get this done in about ten minutes tops but this typical union example managed to drag this out to two hours. Doing a little more math I figure this guy can work an eight hour shift and only get about 40 minutes of actual work done. Brought a tear to my eye I was so proud. Just knowing this guys union was looking out for him and protecting him from the evil empire made me proud to be an american. MyClone is right, we should all be in a union.;)
Originally posted by turbot2496
Doing a little more math I figure this guy can work an eight hour shift and only get about 40 minutes of actual work done. Brought a tear to my eye I was so proud. Just knowing this guys union was looking out for him and protecting him from the evil empire made me proud to be an american. MyClone is right, we should all be in a union.;)

Yeah... but say they laid 8 people off and had the one person do the work of 9... Think of the Unemployment this would cause!!!!

people out of work... it would Kill our ecomony!!!!
Unions are not worth much.... I have worked for companies that when the union renegotiated the benifits package..... the rest of the non union employees absorbed the extra costs - not the union people. The company I work for now is union. I have been told our union work force is about 20% efficient. That is a joke. If you want more stories about how unions **** things up just ask......... Unions suck... they just get in the way of actually making a quality product on time and on budget......... If you are union and dumb enough to vote for Kerry. You will get what you want .... The ability to sit home and get paid from my hard work...
People create jobs by taking chances..... Unions think it is their God given right to have a job.... I could go on but I will stop here. I am done.......

Lets get back to the start of this message

Numbers for the first four quarters came out today and quess what profits for large buisiness set a new record breaking the old one in 97. A 21% increase in profits do you see any trickle down to the workers no! Is there cheaper product from outsorced goods no!

What we are seeing is lower union numbers and worker productivity is soaring.

Inflation is low and most of it is energy costs. The cost of most goods is stable of slightly declining. This means big business is making more money giving us quality goods at stable pricing.

ChevyII, you said you were not allowed to go on strike. Did I miss somewhere what field you work in? It would be useful to know what reason the government has made you mission essential.
First, let me apologize to the people I'm about to piss off. The being said...

Don't unions seem an awful lot like organized crime rings. You have to pay them for protection. If a non-union worker has a work related conflict with a union worker, you have to deal with "the higher-ups" instead of that person. Forcing companies to conduct business with other union companies and suppliers.

Living in the Detroit area we get a good dosage of the union antics every time a contract comes up. Some things that constantly boggle me are:

Signing bonus - Give me a break! Give you $3000 for agreeing to the already crooked terms that you drew up? I don't think so.

The UAW here recently was trying to get abortion covered under their insurance plan. ABORTION!! I'm not against abortion but that shouldn't be the responsibility of your company if you're too lazy to wear a rubber.

Obscene amount of paid time off. The CAW gets 9 1/2 WEEKS total paid time off! That's about 20% of the year!

I don't agree with mandatory pay increases either. A company shouldn't be required to give you a pay raise just because you come to work everyday. If pay increase were merit based, then I bet you wouldn't see nearly as many guys slacking on the job

I don't want to hear a single UAW worker complain about low profit sharing checks when they refuse to take on some of the cost of their own insurance.

And how can you demand more union jobs be created? To have enough people to fill in when you go to use your newly acquired paid time off?

Sorry I'm so long winded. I was born and raised in a union town and union household. My dad and I have had many discussions about this and basically have agreed to disagree. I've watched my home town of Flint, MI be decimated to a city in despair. GM was all that Flint had. I hold the union partially to blame for GM evacuating from that town. With stunts like the UAW has pulled over the years who can blame them for building assembly plants in Mexico.

The Unions have way out-lasted their need and now are just abusing the power that they have.
Originally posted by TurboBurge
First, let me apologize to the people I'm about to piss off. The being said...


The Unions have way out-lasted their need and now are just abusing the power that they have.

cut out the inbetween to make it short but basically.,...
