Aluminum differential cover.

GNX 153

New Member
Dec 31, 2006
What do some of you use to clean this rear end cover? Because I drive about 1200 miles annually, it has really become dirty. I know that I can remove and sand blast it, but, is there a simpler way to clean it without removing it? All comments welcome, thanks.
I know that there are some small sandblasting guns that you could use to sandblast it in place with the car on a lift...

Claude :smile:
What do some of you use to clean this rear end cover? Because I drive about 1200 miles annually, it has really become dirty. I know that I can remove and sand blast it, but, is there a simpler way to clean it without removing it? All comments welcome, thanks.

sandblasting is not really a good idea----it makes it look really good for a short time but the way the sand seems to open the pores it will make it stain and in no time it will look worse than ever-------absolute best if it is off the car is a rock tumbler-----best on the car is a stiff bristle brush (not wire) and a strong alum wheel cleaner.........RC
What about having it powdercoated?...THAT might be the trick to keeping it nice and shiny!...

Claude :wink: