All tidewater buick guys....

Steve V

Steve V's Automotive 757 560 2782
Jan 5, 2004
Hey guys I am finishing LS954's GN I will not be taking in any big jobs probably atleast until November. We got a super offer on the house tonite,so if it holds after the inspections/apprasal we will be out Oct 15th. I have no idea what we are buying there are several we are considering. Have to wait until ours is done 1st. Most likey we will land in Suffolk in the country. I will still entertain small jobs,but no majo engine,trans rebuilds until after we get settled. Thanks for understanding!!!:biggrin:
I know someone that is looking to get rid of their home in Suffolk that is near the old Suffolk Raceway (Suffolk Airport). I'm not sure what they are looking to get out of it, but I can inquire. I know they just want to get out from under the payment.
That is good news, man. Sorry to see you move so far out there in the sticks, but I know it will be good for you and your family. Good luck.

Contract is pending final walk through and should close Oct 16th,I do have something in the works but no info until it's soild. When I find out I will post some pics.:smile: