Air Compressor Buyers guide

I'vehad a few compressors. The first was a Craftsman 30 gl. horizontal 5.5 hp 120v Oil-Less. It would pump up the tires and run air tools only for short bursts of time, But it was so stinking noisy and ran so fast it drove me nuts. I sold that one to an old roomate when he moved out, didn't miss it one bit. STAY AWAY FROM THE OIL-LESS COMPRESSORS!!!!!

I then bought an verticle Camble Hausfeld "Farm Boss" At Tractor Supply Company. It was a very nice compressor. 30 gl . tank cast iron compressor, BELT DRIVE. It seemed to use less curent than the Craftsman previous to it, it would never kick out a breaker on startup, the other would. I would recomend this compresor to anyone who needed one for their garage, I liked it alot. But wasn't big enough for me.

Here is the new one I bought

Happy Hunting.
Originally posted by Doug Jacobson
... a Craftsman 30 gl. horizontal 5.5 hp 120v Oil-Less.
yeah, that's the "PEAK HP" scam again, like household upright vacuums that claim "3 Peak HP".

The current rating (amps) on the motor's nameplate is probably the best indicator of "oomph" -- get the largest possible.

eg, my motor is stamped "15 amps" at 115 volts. It's 1.5HP rated.

If I had 230V, I'd be running on that, then only 7.5amps is required for the same power.

For straight data on "amperage" vs true continuous "horsepower" , visit the FAQ at Emglo: