adjusting TC switch on the brake pedal?


Nov 12, 2002
ok.. my TC lockup switch not working turned out to be just a misadjusted switch.. i guess. i just lifted up on the brake pedal with my toe, and it started working.

then.. i pulled up too hard, and all the switches moved. and i had to hold the brake pedal up to keep the brake lights off, and the cruise on til i got home. so.. i moved those back. now my cruise light comes on, but the cruise doesnt work. and the TC switch still doesnt work. i can take care of the cruise, but how the heck to i adjust the TC switch. where is it? please.... help the needy, ingorant, and blind.TIA.
well.... that's as much as i needed to know then. i'll just fiddle with it some more. thanks
I think the top one is for cruise control, bottom one for the brake

I set my brake/TCC switch first, then did the cruise control and it works good now.