Acrylic lacquer?


New Member
Jul 22, 2010

I've been researching a lot about what to do with my GN. I'm a little bit overwhelmed at this point about what to do next, and in the future. I do need new doors, but the rest of the body paint appears to be in salvageable condition, maybe with a cut and buff, which I hope to try soon. Doesn't seem to be any checking or cracking.

I guess, not being a body man, that I don't understand why people go with a BC/CC with these cars, as they came with acrylic lacquer originally. I've read that the acrylic lacquer gives a much better finish, deep and shiny. The auto restorers seem to recommend it. Is this not so?

I may, at some point, shoot the paint on my car myself, or have a buddy do it. I'll never be able to afford having it done professionally. I've read that for the DIY'er, it's a little easier to shoot acrylic lacquer (dries faster, less prone to dust pickup, doesn't need heat lamps to cure, isn't as toxic as other paints, etc. But it does need more coats, and does need to be cut and buffed, and is still toxic in it's own right).

ahh forgive me, I'm bored, had a few, and just hanging out here.
