? about throttle blade position ?


Senior Irish Member
May 25, 2001
This may seem silly to those that know the answer, but I have asked and have yet to hear an answer that makes sense to me.

I'm looking at a stock TB and don't understand why when the gas peddle is depressed the blade only opens partially instead of completely horizontal?

I know on other cars it can be adjusted, but I dished out some dough to Jay to repair one for me after my last attempt.

Please no because it's supposed to be that way, I know someone has a better answer than that.....:confused:

On mine it opens fully, and is about fully closed.
Had to grind on the stop, for WOT, and then even drill a hole in the butterfly, to get the idle posistion the way I like it.

Also spent time getting the cable lenght correct.

It all matters.
It's called attention to detail, and finding 100 places were you find .5 HP and it adds up.
Thanks Bruce...

You don't happen to remember what throttle cable you ended up with do you?

Did you have to build your own or were you able to find one the correct legnth?

Originally posted by Phatman
Thanks Bruce...
You don't happen to remember what throttle cable you ended up with do you?
Did you have to build your own or were you able to find one the correct legnth?

The oem one was too long in my case.
So I split a few 10-32 nuts with a hacksaw.
And then inside the car pulled out the slack in the cable and crimped them on, inside the cable end.
Also trimmed the backing to the carpet to get it all perfect.

Then the pedal hits the floor it's rock solid and the throttle blades are fully open and TV cable is in the correct relationship.
I've found on most TRs I've worked on the TV cable is a limiting factor...
Haven't found a solution as of yet,
That's right when the gas pedal is fully depressed the blade is horizonal if not it's time to notch.
Thats the problem with my TR. The TV cable keeps the blade from opening all the way. If you disconnect it, the blade opens fully. Hopefully my transmission guy can help me with the problem.

The TV cable adjusts by ratching out of the holder at WOT.
If you have flex in the system, then things flex enough rather then allowing the cable to adjust correctly.
Try moving the throttle to fully open at the linkage and get it to adjust up.
If you've been running around with a mis adjusted cable, that would mean you've been running with things wrong for a long time, suddenly changing it, and if things are marginal might bring on some problems that are just waiting to happen.

WOT should set the TV cable adjustment not the other way around.
I'm off to the shop as soon as I have my coffee. I still have a few other items to take care of, but that was one that's really buggin me...

Bruce, I understand the TV cable adjustment, but here's what happened-
When I noticed it wasn't opening all the way (almost, but not quite) I tried to force it open with my hands at the t-body. When I did that, it pulled the TV rod (at the trans) so far up into the cable that it STUCK in the cable (causing a no shift).
This same problem exist on 4 TRs I've looked at.
Originally posted by zam70
Bruce, I understand the TV cable adjustment, but here's what happened-
When I noticed it wasn't opening all the way (almost, but not quite) I tried to force it open with my hands at the t-body. When I did that, it pulled the TV rod (at the trans) so far up into the cable that it STUCK in the cable (causing a no shift).
This same problem exist on 4 TRs I've looked at.

I'd then slot the Throttle cable holder bracket, and then weld some washers in the right place.
Gotta be some sort of answer.

I wonder if this ain't some folks rear cylinder run lean problem. Here's a pic of what mine looks like, you can see the adj is pretty well out there.
