87 gn parts needed/for sale


New Member
Dec 28, 2002
Just bought 87 gn. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR STOCK PIECES- Fiberglass front bumper and hood. Bumper looks very nice - hood has paint cracks and could use block sanding,needs work-would trade for mint stock gn bumper and or hood that needs paint.I could use stock gn wheels. Also does anyone know where I could get a 87 turbo engine(complete) within 2hour drive from milwaukee.I am in no hurry to get an engine but I would like to get rid of the fiberglass parts and get some rims within the next month or so. Thank you -John
So you want to trade your fiberglass hood for a stock one? If thats the case, cool, I'm looking for a f/g one.
Yes,I would like to trade for a stock hood. The only thing I forgot about the hood I have is that it is a pin-on piece. It has 6 fasteners on it. I took a quick look at it (real quick it's 19 degrees!!!!) and it appears to have some brackets riveted to the fenders (3 per side). It looks like a stocker with the correct turbo bulge. The thing I don't care for is the 6 screwhead-like fasteners (about the size of a dime) I hope this helps as I forgot to put this in my original post.:eek: Thanks for your interest- John