85-87 Engine Differences


35lbs of pure power
Oct 14, 2008
what is the differences between a stock 85 3.8 turbo engine and a 87 3.8 turbo engine both from a GN . other than the obvious hot air setup.
I noticed the casting number difference from a 440 (85) and a 109 (87) block

My main question is for a build up . just wondering if the block and heads crank rods and pistons were worth it if i use the 85 block . thanks for all info ahead of time.
the later engines had a lower deck height and thicker head gaskets, and the blocks were drilled for the turbo oil return line in the front.
i think that's the major stuff, other than the induction and exhaust setups.
There are also differences in the oiling passages. The 109 block is the better choice overall though.