4760E question


New Member
Dec 17, 2004
I am going to be replacing the transmission in my 94 Z-71 this weekend. I have had a new rebuilt transmission sitting in my garage floor since late January, I just haven't had time to install it. I have a good friend that is going to help me out with this little project. He brought to my attention that we will be installing the tail piece from my old transmission on to the new one. There is a gasket between the main body of the transmission and the tail piece. On the old transmission it looks like sealer is squeezing out where they are connected. Is there a rubber seal, gasket or just sealer between these two pieces? Any help here would be appreciated.
You don't have that in yet? :D

It has a simple o ring which any trans shop has. Your old one if it has stuff oozing out has been switched before using silicone. You can do that again if you like, but if you use a new o ring it is foolproof without any sealer needed. Never had one leak using either method.

If you look up your old posts i'm pretty sure I listed all the bolt sizes for you to help you out.

Yes you did list all of the bolt sizes etc. I have all of that saved and will be using that information. I wish I had the transmission already, but things have happened this year that have taken a lot of my time. I am just now getting the time to catch up on things like the transmission swap. I will hopefully be doing this Sunday if all works out.
I would like to get a new seal, but if I have to get it from a transmission shop I doubt they would sell it to me. I will call a few and see what they say.
Thanks again.
Don't forget to replace the input seal in the t-case. It will most likely be hard as a rock and leaking trans fluid into the t-case.