4 against 8


high on gas fumes
Sep 21, 2003
This wasn't a kill in a TR, so be warned. Explicit Ford and Chevy language below!

4 lane, no median but has a center turn lane dividing both directions(2 lanes each).
I come up to a red light(don't all good races start that way?) in the slow lane and pull up to the stop bar just relaxed as can be. To the left is a nice sounding late 80's Chevy truck. Nice blue paint, chrome exhaust tips, and a cam that has the whole truck shaking. It sounded really nice, so I was in appreciation mode rather than race mode. I glance over and see both windows down, and two guys that look laid back, so I don't expect anything. Light turns green and he's on it, but not all out. I'm pulling away like I do from every stop light...no more than 5psi. He's about 1/2 car ahead and hears the turbo whistle, so he nails it and that mf'er sounds bad! Of course, I'm not prepared but nail it anyway. By this time, he's got about 1 car on me and gaining...but the turbo spools up and hits 25psi. I'm still in 2nd gear which has my 3,500lb Turbocoupe reeling him in quick. I hit 3rd gear and proceed to glide right past him. In an uncharacteristic move, I smile and wave fully intending on rubbing it in. As I did, Chevy takes a HARD left(had some damn good brakes) and takes a side street.

So...I felt the little 2.3 4 cylinder held up pretty good. Not anything amazing, but the Chevy ran pretty good so it must have had some work. Cam for sure but what else, I don't know. One thing about this area...they like to catch you unprepared. Better for them though...you have to be sneaky when you have a SLOW car! :rolleyes: