3" MAF & Translator ?

Left mine screens in with both the 3" and 3.5"' sensors. Never came across any instructions that required their removal.

Be sure to have your translator on a 3" setting. Otherwise, you'll run rich.
Anyone notice that the LS1 3.5" Maf actually has a smaller inside diameter than the stock plastic GN MAF.
I was a bit PO'ed after spending all that cash to find out the flow will be very similar.
Am wondering about porting the LS1 maf, can cut the airfoil out & bore out the housing.
But am thinking of just buying the aftermarket alum housing for new maf & leave it at that.
Any suggestions ?
Don't port it. Air flow cannot be maesured by size alone. The stock maf is about 250 cfm lower at the same pressure drop than the 3.5" sensor. Porting will make it run lean. ends do not improve flow much.
Mike, are those #'s both stock with screens ?
After install of a longer cold air intake , the stock MAF ran fine without the screens ( with old plastic MAF ).
Would you recommend removing screen from new 3.5" ?
The stock MAF had a very different type of apperature to measure air (thats the big bowl shaped object in the middle) it was not a sensitive about removing 1 screen.
The LT1 and LS1 MAFs are very different in that they just have the heated wires through the middle. Removing screens is not recommended for these...The MAF is to measure air and it does this with precise airflow...if you go trying to increase the airflow thru the MAF, the readings will suffer and fueling will suffer, so the extra few cfm of air you may flow will be negated by improper fueling. Leave the screens in.